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March 22, 2008 - Saturday

Sunny and warm.


A surprisingly great day! I got up this morning, watched the news and then showered. Fumihiko came back from taking his mother to the cemetary to visit the family grave while I was watching Criminal Minds. Afterwards we went out for breakfast/brunch.

Fumihiko dropped me off at my school and I got to work. I only had one class today, which went quite well. After my class I did some prep for next week and I also did up my financial records for the last couple of months. Yay me.

Fumihiko picked me up and brought me home. He had a meeting for our apartment to go to. I expected that he'd be gone for hours, or at least AN hour, but he was back in 30 minutes! After that, we went for dinner.

We drove out to Amarume and had dinner in a little restaurant there. It was quite good. The service wasn't as good as the food! We had ordered 2 coffees and received one, the water glasses weren't refilled, and the service generally was lacking a certain something.

On our way back to Tsuruoka, Fumihiko asked me if I wanted to go to karaoke. That was a bit of a no-brainer! I always want to go to karaoke, so we did.

We went to Manekineko for about 3 hours. It was a lot of fun. I sang a ton of songs, a lot of which I did for the first time. There were two songs from Hairspray which I did, plus Slade's Run Runaway. Oh that one was fun! Later on I did a bunch of songs that I love, like the two they have from The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Science Fiction Double Feature and The Time Warp. Why oh why don't they have Sweet Transvestite? I'm shivering in antici..........................................................................pation waiting for the day they get it. I had a special request for Livin' La Vida Loca, so I did that as an encore. Fumihiko sang a lot too. He did a lot of Beatles, Carpenters and a few of his favourite Japanese songs. Of course, he did his standard, the Ge-Ge-Ge song.

We came home after karaoke and watched the last 20 minutes of Grey's Anatomy which didn't make much sense as we hadn't watched the first 30 minutes of the show. We'll rewind the tape later. Then, it was time for Project Runway. Tonight was quite good. They allowed 2 designers to come back and try once more to make a dress. Everyone had to make cocktail dresses tonight and for a change, I absolutely agreed with the judges decision about the winning dress, AND the runner up! I'll likely rewatch the show during the week.

We watched the last bit of Supernatural and I was happy to see Rebecca Jenkins on the show. She's a Canadian actress that I've actually met. She was a customer at the bank I worked at way back when. She seemed really nice in person, although she wasn't a good person in Supernatural! The, we switched over to Charlie's Angels. One of the villains tonight was Dirk Benedict! Oh my. My teenage hero of Battlestar Galactica. AKA the original Starbuck (and Face on The A Team if you're counting.) So, a bumper night of TV for me.

That's about it for tonight. I think Fumihiko is getting tired and hopefully will go to bed soon. I want to too. It's been a long but very good day.

Night night!


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