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March 31, 2008 - Monday

Cloudy with hail and rain.


Turned out to be a good day, although it didn't start that way! I wasn't having a good day with hubby yesterday and it carried over into the night. He went out to get something to drink around 1 or 2, while I stayed home. When he came home we had a bit of a spat and I went to bed as soon as I finished blogging, around 2:30. He finally came to bed at 5am - ish. Of course he woke me up. He always does. Then, his alarm went off at 7:30. He got up, turned it off and went back to sleep. I asked him if he was going to work today, and he said no. I thought it was a weird thing, but didn't say much else. Then, around 8:30 I hear him frantically running around the apartment saying, "It's 8:30, it's Monday morning." Apparently someone was under the impression it was Sunday again! He was supposed to be at work at 8:30. So, now, that's how many times that he woke me in one sleep? At least 3. I didn't get up early today. I slept in but it wasn't a nice relaxing sleep. Ach well.

I got up, showered and relaxed. Of course, I re-watched Project Runway. I'm too hooked on that show. I got a text from Fumihiko saying that he'd rescheduled his MRI to April 2nd, which just happens to be my day off. Can I not get a day to myself this week? Please????

Anyway, I ate lunch and then just before 5 left for my school. I was going to have a meeting with a student and her father at 6 pm. I opened the door to my apartment and looked outside. It was hailing. Little pellets of snow, about the size of dill seeds were everywhere. I went into the bike shelter, got out my raincape, and put it on. By the time I did that, it was over! No rain, and no more hail. The hail didn't stay on the ground long, it just melted.

At the school I set up the coffee maker for water, vacuumed and did a little cleaning too. I got a call from Fumihiko around 5:30 and we were quite friendly. He arrived a few minutes before six and then the people came at 6. We had a good meeting and I'm going to be teaching a few extra classes over the next month. I hope it'll be interesting.

After they left, Fumihiko did the dishes for me, but honestly I wish he wouldn't! I don't like the way he does them at the school. I have my own system and it's very good. He doesn't follow anything that I do. Sigh.

We went to Cafe Framboise for dinner tonight. We both had the same thing and it was very nice. We had minute steak, salad, rice or bread, and then dessert and coffee for 1300 yen each. That was a pretty good deal. The restaurant only has 3 tables plus a counter, but it's a nice comfortable place to go.

We went to Max Value after dinner. I wanted to get some butter, but like the local grocery store, the only butter to be found was in incredibly small, all prewrapped packs. I think they may be going to redesign the boxes or something. Usually before they do that to a product it disappears so that it can be "launched" as a new product with a new wrapper. I also got a big roast for my slow cooker and stuff for tomorrow night's dinner, plus some canned tuna in soup (rather than oil) and of course, sunflower seeds!

We came home and had a lovely evening together. Fumihiko has gone to bed now. He's tuckered out. He didn't sleep enough last night and today he was busy. Tomorrow he's got to take his suit to work. He's getting a promotion or something (he isn't too excited about it!) and has to have a certificate presented to him. I hope his suit fits!

That's my day. So, definitely better than yesterday. Tomorrow, I've had two classes cancel, but I still have two to do in the evening. I'll talk to you tomorrow night.

In the words of Heidi Klum,"Auf Wiedersehen. Bye!"


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