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April 1, 2008 - Tuesday

Cloudy, windy and cold.


Last night before bed there was a terrible wind wuthering through the moors. moors here. Okay, the wind was wuthering through the trees around my apartment building. I looked out one of our windows and saw what looked like a bed sheet tumbling through the parked cars. It was ghostly and strangely beautiful at the same time. It disappeared into the night.

Today I had a quiet relaxing morning. There wasn't any news on early, but I got up anyway and drank coffee. I ate a piece of toast and then did a lot of computer stuff.

In the afternoon I made my usual omelette and watched CSI: Miami. When it was over I left for my school. I detoured through the drugstore for a few things, then got to my school in lots of time. I changed and prepped for my classes. I wanted to prep for one of my Saturday ones. I did, but I'd like to do a bit more work for that class. The student goes through a lot in one class. I also wanted to get today's group class prepped for the class after next, but it didn't happen. I think it's okay anyway.

My classes went well today. One student was there for almost 2 hours and she managed to stay in English that long. When classes were over and my school was cleaned up, I called Fumihiko. I would have ridden my bike home if he'd wanted, but he said he'd come and get me.

At home I cooked our dinner. We had chicken stirfry and it was darn good. I used oyster sauce and a smelly fish sauce on it. It was nice. Fumihiko made coffee and then did the dishes afterwards. Hurray for that. There weren't that many though. I cooked everything in one pan, and there were just chopsticks and plates and cups.

I spent a lot of the evening wrapping things up. I promised a friend in Japan a box of books weeks ago, and finally got them all boxed up tonight, then I wrapped my friend's birthday present, plus addressed a card for my very kawaii (cute) nephew to celebrate Boy's Day. I hope he likes it!

Fumihiko and I watched the first episode of Monk tonight and it was quite cute. It had Sarah Silverman on as the guest. I'm a little ambivalent about her. Apart from that video, I've never seen her in anything that I like. Then again, it could just be where I live too!

And that's it. I have to go. I'm yawning all over my computer. Talk to you tomorrow night. Bye!


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