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April 6, 2008 - Sunday

Sunny and warm.


We had quite a good day together today. Fumihiko got up earlier than I did of course, and went to the car dealership to finalize things. A bit after he came home we went out for lunch.

We had lunch at the Grande El Sun, the place we had our wedding ceremony at. They have a nice little restaurant there. I had chicken and it was very nice. Fumihiko had fish and said it was good too.

We drove out to the mall and were early for the movie we wanted to see. We wandered the mall and I tried on a couple of shirts in Jusco. While I was in the changing room I discovered that they were both marked 2 for 3000 yen. Fumihiko very nicely bought them for me. He didn't have to, but he did.

We went downstairs to have a drink, but I got sidetracked by a cd and dvd sale. I was still looking for a Natalie Cole cd. I didn't find one, so I think I'll check out the local second hand store tomorrow. We never did get our drink! We took my clothes out to the car, then went back in and up to the theater. We saw Cloverfield and it was good. It was quite exciting and I hadn't heard any spoilers about it so I was happy.

After the movie we had a drink in a fast food restaurant, then drove back to Tsuruoka. We were debating where to go for dinner and then as we were driving I suggested a place near one of the universities. We went there and had a really nice meal. I had a salad of green tomatoes and yamabushi pork, with an onion fritter kind of thing as garnish. It came with bread. Fumihiko had something like clams and had miso soup and rice with it. We did a bit of swapping so got to try the other person's dish. Mine was best!

We came home and spent a quiet evening together. I started watching Tristan and Isolde, but it wasn't that great. Rufus Sewell was good, but I found the young lovers to be big bores. I must be getting old!

And that's it. My day. It wasn't bad. I've one more day off, so tomorrow I hope the weather is nice and I can get out to go to the shops. Night night!


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