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April 7, 2008 - Monday

Cloudy, but not rainy.


This morning I decided I'd just wake up when I woke up, but Fumihiko had slightly different ideas! Before he'd left he'd set the coffee pot for me at around 9:30. It woke me up. I got up, had fresh coffee and then watched a lame movie on WOWOW. I lazed around and of course I re-watched Project Runway. Next week's the big finale. I'm excited. I know who wins because I cheated and looked it up, but I'm enjoying the people.

In the afternoon I went to check out CD-Brain, a second hand cd shop. I was looking for a Natalie Cole cd. I didn't find one. I did find a Charlie Sexton cd, the one that I had as a cassette when I was in college, so I bought that. I came home and had my lunch.

Fumihiko came home and surprised me with the news that tomorrow he has a party to go to after work. Great. I don't mind, it's just that I have to work late tomorrow so I'll be a bit tired. I'll just have to ride home.

He watched some terrible Japanese program (is there any other kind?) and then I finally demanded that he take me out so that we could look for a cd for my class. We tried two different places. In the first one I ended up buying a book in English, but didn't find a cd. In the second I didn't find anything. Sigh. Oh well.

We had a cheap and cheerful dinner at Gusto tonight and then came home. Fumihiko's tired, he stayed up way too late last night, so he's off to bed. I downloaded an instant messenger program today and finally managed to connect with a friend that uses G-Mail as her internet program. The instant messenger is a bit like a universal remote. It allows you to connect to many different messenger programs. My problem with G-Mail has always been that it doesn't work well with my chosen browser. So far, this seems to work quite well.

Well, that's it for me. I'm wanting to go off and talk to my friend now. So, I'll meet up with all of you tomorrow night. Okay? Night!


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