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April 8, 2008 - Tuesday

Partly cloudy and windy.


A good, but busy day. I went to bed very late as I was chatting with my friend last night. It was great as I hadn't managed to connect with her for the last couple of months.

This morning I got up, checked the lack of news and then fell asleep on the couch until 10. As I had to go to work earlyish today I had to get up and go and take my shower. I did that, and then I did computer stuff for a while after that. Some of it was even work related!

I had an early-for-me lunch. While I was making and eating it I watched a hilarious episode of Corner Gas. It was about demolishing a barn. They even had Adrienne Clarkson trying to demolish one with a sledgehammer! (For any of you non-Canadians out there, she was the Governor General of Canada at one time...she represented the Queen in Canada.) It was very funny.

I stopped at a convenience store on my way to work today. I knew I'd be working late and wanted a sandwich to tide me over. I got one and got back on my bike.

Classes went well today. One of my students said that she enjoys my lessons and thinks that I must like teaching. She's right! I usually do. Preparing not so much, but I know how necessary it it. My third class was good too. I didn't have much planned, just finishing up last week's lesson, but I could tell that the students weren't really getting it. I thought it would be easier to relate to questions about me, rather than about a singer that they don't really know. It seemed to work. They also felt better about asking me why this word was used and not that word. My last class was with one of the students from the third class. Her essay has been worked on and is in pretty good shape now. There's a few things that I'd like to cut, but it's not my speech! After the class we put papers away and waited for her father to come and get her. And waited. And waited. He didn't come for 30 minutes! I was a little upset because I had to bike home tonight and I wanted to have dinner too. Apparently he'd forgotten that he was supposed to pick her up. Hmm.

I finished up as quickly as I could. I got things set up for my class on Thursday and then washed my dishes and headed out. First I went to Marumatsu and had an okay dinner. I called my hubby just before I went in and told him where I was. After dinner I did a quick trip through the grocery store to get a few things and discovered there was BUTTER on the shelves! Hurray. I bought a box, just because I could!

I came home, and had a nice reunion with Fumihiko. He left before I woke up today, and I didn't know if I'd see him before he went to sleep tonight. I did, luckily.

So, that was my day. It was overall pretty good, and I enjoyed it. Tomorrow I'm off work, so I don't know what I'll do. Most likely laundry, although I might go out I suppose. Depends on the weather a bit.

Got to go...night night!


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