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April 14, 2008 - Monday

Rainy in the morning, clearing but cloudy later on.


Good day. Yay! I woke up quite early for me, even though I went to bed really really late. I got up, tried to see the news, did, but it wasn't in any language that I could understand, watched Bewitched and then went back to bed for an hour.

When I got up I dressed, made the bed and then decided to go out fairly early today. What I did was go out just after 1. I first went to the post office where I made a payment and then a deposit, then to the mall for lunch. I had lunch at the Daiichi Hotel. It wasn't busy and it wasn't very good! Lately they've been serving lots of pasta and rice dishes. Today's pasta was tomato based so I didn't have any.

I got a tray of food, sat down, opened up my book and discovered I'd brought the wrong one! Last time I went to Sendai I bought two of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency books. I brought the second one of the two. Sigh. I read some of it anyway. I think I'll stop though and go back to the first one!

After lunch I headed off to the bank. I needed to make a payment for my school. I did that, then headed home. I was planning to go and have coffee after the bank, but just changed my mind. I came home instead.

At home I rewatched the end of Grey's Anatomy and then, bien sur Project Runway. Yay. Fun.

Fumihiko came home around his usual time and we were quite friendly. After a while I asked him to get us some kerosene. It's still a tad cold in the mornings and evenings. We talked about going out for dinner too. He asked me where I wanted to go. I really didn't care, so asked him what he didn't want to have for dinner. He didn't want pasta, so I suggested either M's Dining or Bronco. He picked M's Dining. Too bad we didn't do it that way last night!

We had a good meal. I wasn't terribly hungry. My lunch was coming back on me a bit and I didn't feel like eating all that much. I had plain food basically, no sauce.

After dinner we got kerosene and then went to the grocery store. Fumihiko is going to cook again tomorrow night. I'll be working late, so he'll probably have a chance to prep before I come home.

In the evening we spent a bit of time sending text messages to each other. It was silly, seeing as how we were sitting right across the room from each other, but fun too! He was writing his in hiragana and I was managing to read it. Not bad especially when you realize that he wasn't writing English or Japanese words, he was writing things in Russian and Korean...but in hiragana.

That was about it. It was a quiet evening, but nice. Tomorrow I'm back at work, and quite busy. I hope things go well! Got to go. Night night.


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