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April 26, 2008 - Saturday

Sunny in the daytime, rainy at night.


A pretty good day. It started like a normal Saturday around here except Fumihiko didn't go out. However, when we got to Gusto something odd happened. I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and then realized there was a not small spider on my chest. I gave a little gasp of horror/shock and brushed it onto the floor. Fumihiko stamped on it a few times for good measure. Where on earth did it come from?

Classes today were okay. My middle student perplexes me at times. She also told me that she has to move the time of her class. However, she only wants to come on Saturday and I'm quite booked up that day. Also, the time she requested already has a lesson there so I'm not sure what's going to happen.

After work, I called Fumihiko and he picked me up. We went to AU, the telephone company. The original plan was to get new cellphones, but we didn't see any that we were really in love with, so we just changed our cellphone plan. Hopefully it'll be cheaper for both of us. I do use my cell a bit for my school, but everyone phones Fumihiko on his. The woman that we dealt with today was very pleasant, and even showed me an English brochure. Boy, has time changed the phone situation here. When I first attempted to get a phone I took a co-worker with me, we filled out all the info and then when I went back to pick up the phone they demanded my passport. HUH? I didn't have it with me and so I refused to take the phone. Never dealt with that company again. Today, she only asked if I had ID, looked at it and compared it to her records and then gave it back to me. No photocopy requested or anything. Yeah.

After that I was hungry, so we went to Studio 14 for dinner. That was the restaurant we had coffee at last week. We had a very nice, but a bit small dinner. We had gnocchi and sweet potatoes, then two kinds of pasta, a mentaiko/clam mix that was better than it sounds, and a creamier spaghetti with spare ribs. The dishes were really good, and I even ate the mentaiko. Normally I don't like mentaiko (a spicy fish roe) but this wasn't gritty. We treated ourselves to dessert too, and got a sampler plate each. We had two kinds of gelato --one of which was banana but was GOOD, a kabocha pudding and the best tiramisu I think I've ever had. Afterwards I told hubby that I'd gladly go there again for just dessert and coffee!

Fumihiko had gone shopping earlier in the day and had bought himself new shoes. I knew he also wanted to get a new pair of pants so we went to the small mall in Tsuruoka and had a look in the one shop that sells men's clothing. We found some jeans in his size and I made him model them. The last pair was definitely the best. He got a pair of Wranglers. On our way out of the mall I stopped at a "Wagon Sale" of DVDs and ended up getting 4. Sigh. We got Witness, Near Dark, Hope Springs and The English Patient. The only one I've never seen is Hope Springs.

We came home and I asked Fumihiko if he'd like to watch a movie, so we watched Near Dark. He liked it too. I didn't know if he would. It's quite a different take on the usual vampire movie.

Around 1:30 we decided we were hungry so went out to Gusto (the other one) for a late snack. After we came home and now Fumihiko's in bed, and I shall be shortly.

Today was a good day. Wish us luck for tomorrow! Night night.


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