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May 1, 2008 - Thursday

Sunny and warm.


Today was quite a busy day today for me. I slept in, same as usual these days. Well, tell a lie, I did get up but then went back to sleep for a while.

I watched Damages from last night. It's good, but so dark, and not really in a good way. Glenn Close is amazing however.

I headed out for my school a bit after 2 pm. I stopped along the way at a drugstore and a convenience store, then got to my school and got busy. I did a load of the towels that I'd had out for students, then I started to defrost the freezer. It was getting bad in there! After I got those things underway, I ate a late lunch, then sat down with my financial books. I got everything up to date. Up to and including today. Yay me! After I did that and hung up the towels, I decided to prep the lessons for Thursday next week, the first day I'm back to work. I also changed the calendar and updated the notable days for this month. I have 3 students with the same birthday this month! Two are twins, so that makes sense, but another student also has the same birthday. He's not the same age though.

I finished the freezer defrosting and I didn't even have to resort to using my hair dryer! I did use a bowl of hot water. I got icy water everywhere. Sigh. The freezer door opens the "wrong" way to be helpful. Still, most of the ice ended up in the sink rather than on the floor. I completed my work at the school by doing the dishes. I even did a few that I don't do every day...the containers for sugar, creamer and spoons. I just wanted everything to be nice for students when they come back.

I rode home. Fumihiko was home and he had barred the door. Sigh. He let me in and then I got interrogated about what work I was doing. I decided not to tell my husband at that time what I was doing. I was busy. I had told him I had to go to the school to work. Maybe he should have listened to me!

After a bit, we went out to dinner at Cocos. I had grilled chicken which was very nice, Fumihiko had cold ramen. It wasn't enough for him! On the way home we stopped at the grocery store and he got himself lots of food. I wasn't hungry so I didn't get myself anything.

When we came home I decided to make Fumihiko watch Perfume, the movie I'd watched a couple of days earlier. Before I started it I went to the toilet. Now, when I was in there, I decided to change the calendar, but of course I didn't want to use the hand I'd used for something else for touching the calendar. I got the calendar down one-handed, then changed the page fairly easily, but when I tried to put it back up, the pin fell out of the wall. I swore a little, bent down to pick it up, then clunked my head on the door handle on the way back up. I swore loudly at that point and waited to hear Fumihiko's shout of concern about me. It didn't come. He didn't hear me. I got the calendar back up, washed my hands, and went and got some ice for my head.

It took about 5 minutes before my husband even noticed I was sitting at my computer precariously balancing a couple of tea-towels filled with ice on my head. Honestly, he sometimes is NOT very observant! My head still hurts, but I don't think it swelled up (more than it already is---I can hear my sister now!)

And Perfume, he liked it. At least I think he did. He said it was interesting, which could mean that he liked it. I enjoyed it as much this time around.

Anyway, even though it's past 3 in the morning I have a few things to do. I have to get the plastic garbage over to the door and tonight I think I'm on coffee duty. So, I'm going to bid you all a fond adieu. I should warn the readers of this blog that I'm going to be away for a few days, back Tuesday. I may do some mobile blogging from Sapporo on my blogspot account. Wish me bon voyage eh? Night night!


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