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May 7, 2008 - Wednesday

Clear and sunny.


Well, a little bit before two tonight, the apartment, it was a-shakin'. We were having an earthquake. Yuck. We actually didn't have it that bad, the people closer to Tokyo got a bigger shake. It was a level 3 here in Yamagata, although I think we probably were a little lower than that. Still, it lasted for a while. Fumihiko was in bed and heard me exclaim when it started, he didn't feel it.

Anyway, back to my day. I had a lazy putz around the house day. It involved lots of computer time, 3 big loads of laundry and 4 hours of TV that I'd taped while I was away. I enjoyed all of it.

Fumihiko came home at his usual time looking quite tired. He'd had a boring office day, which he doesn't really like. He's not a paperwork kind of guy. He was also in a state because he's misplaced his little important papers satchel. I think he's probably left it at work, but he's not sure. He tore the apartment up looking for it! He also was trying to get his computer to work. We worked out today that he hadn't been able to check email since the end of April, something about connecting to the internet wasn't working.

Anyway, we went to dinner at Cocos and had quite nice meals. I had the dragon's breath burger as I like to call it, the gorgonzola cheese one. Fumihiko had the dish I often have, the baked chicken with soy-garlic sauce.

We came home via the grocery store. I think we'll cook tomorrow. I'll do coro-coro steak with personalized sauces, and Fumihiko hopefully will make chawanmushi.

Over dinner I talked to Fumihiko more about his computer and it turns out that he hasn't really been able to access the internet since the big power outage we had last week. Hmm. I asked him if he'd tried shutting down the computer and then bringing it back up. He hadn't. I suggested that he try it when we got home.

Long story slightly shorter, it worked. I wish I'd thought of that in the beginning! He was able to access the web again and get his email. Yay. I still think he should have got a Mac!

Hubby went off to take a shower and as I was going to turn off the TV I did a channel surf and found Miss Marple on the telly. I had to watch it of course. I love Agatha Christie stories!

Fumihiko went to bed and was just settling down to sleep when the earthquake struck. And that's it. I hope everyone who was closer to the quake is okay. Talk to you all tomorrow.

Night night!


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