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May 8, 2008 - Thursday

Cloudy but not rainy.


A good day basically. When my alarm went off I got up and then promptly fell asleep on the couch for a while. Ahem. No comment.

I had a lazy day around the apartment again. I answered some email, that kind of thing.

I went off to work just before 5. I had a lot to carry, so I used my bike's basket. It's a clip-on one, much more secure than my last bike's was. When I got to my school I did quite a massive clean. I vacuumed, dusted and folded the laundry. Whew. Then I got things ready for today. They already were to an extent, but I wanted to look over things. I'd been away for a while!

Classes went well I'm glad to say, and the time flew. After I did my usual paperwork and then changed before getting the dishes ready to wash. Fumihiko texted me and then I called him back.

He picked me up and we came home. I had to do a quick, work related email sending, then I cooked dinner. Fumihiko did too. He made chawanmushi and the coffee. I cooked the coro-coro steak and set the table. I served it with a choice of dipping sauces. I like mine with worchestershire sauce, while Fumihiko had some of his with anchovy sauce. We had a daikon salad and the chawanmushi too. He made the chawanmushi in the microwave. His instructions said to cook it for 20 minutes in the microwave, but that had to be a mistake! He cooked ours for 10 minutes and it was slightly overdone. It wasn't too bad though.

I did the dishes as Fumihiko was tired and needed to take his bath. It didn't take long. Hurray for that.

I spent a quiet evening here, but Fumihiko went to bed just after 12:30. He isn't sleeping well. He is making some weird noises in his sleep when he changes position. He might be in pain, but when I go to check on him he's fast asleep! Poor guy.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now. If I don't get to blog tomorrow night, don't worry about me. I'm thinking I might just skip a night or two so I can get to bed earlier. Wish me luck with that eh? Night.


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