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May 11, 2008 - Sunday

Sunny and warm, gorgeous day!


Today was quite a good day. It didn't start that well though. We stayed in a hotel in Sakata and the bed was a bit too small for us. Apparently I pulled the covers off my husband in the middle of the night and he couldn't get them back. My complaint is that my husband keeps waking me up in the middle of the night. Sigh. We had an okay breakfast at the hotel (except for the fried eggs. I loathe fried eggs.) then checked out and went shopping. I got some lovely soaps at La Casa and then some new towels at Easy Off. It's a second hand store, but they sell a lot of new goods. I also got myself a new backpack as mine is starting to get a bit tattered.

We headed out to the mall in Mikawa after the shopping. I really wanted to see No Country for Old Men, but we didn't know when it was going to play. We found out, and then had some coffee and the finally re-opened Seattle's Best Coffee. We had lots of time to kill , so we went to a 1000 yen shop and then the bookstore. After that, lunch!

When we finished lunch we came back to the mall and after a bit went to see the movie. It was great. It was violent, but very very good. It's a movie that I'm still mulling over. I love those. I wasn't sure if Fumihiko would like it, but he seemed to.

When the movie finished, we got Fumihiko's mum a little present for Mother's Day. Fumihiko wasn't going to bother but I insisted! He got her some sushi. I suggested getting her a cake or a pie as well, not a big one of course, but a little treat. I was shot down! Fumihiko said that he didn't have to bother. I told him that if he was buying ME a present in the future, HE had darn well better bother for me. I don't accept lackadaisical presents, especially from my hubby.

We came back to Tsuruoka and Fumihiko dropped me off at home while he delivered his sushi. Apparently his mum was really pleased, so that's nice. I'm glad.

He came home after a bit and he watched Blood Diamond. I enjoyed it, but I didn't expect him to watch it. When it was over we went to the grocery store to get a few things to eat. We came home and had a little feast in front of the TV. I watched Unknown and then Extras series finale. It was quite good.

I'll probably go to bed soon as I'm tired. I really didn't get much sleep last night, despite going to bed very early for me.

Yesterday, I was busy at the school. Four classes in a row with no breaks, then we went off to Sakata to go to a party. I'd forgotten how much work it is to be friendly with people that I don't really know. Some of the people were my ex-students, people that I hadn't seen for ages. It was nice. We met my friend's baby and I met his parents. The last time they were over I was in Canada, so I couldn't meet them.

That was my weekend! Talk to you tomorrow. Night night!


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