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May 9, 2008 - Friday

Sunny and warm.


A pretty good day today. I did oversleep today, but I did get up earlier than I did yesterday. I'm also starting blogging a bit earlier than I did last night so that I won't stay up so late. That's the plan for now anyway.

I spent a quiet morning around the apartment. I went over to the school around 4 and got ready for my first lesson. It went fairly well and the student left with a souvenir that I'd bought for him from Hokkaido. I had to get him a special one as he is allergic to eggs and I'd bought cookies for everyone else. They had eggs in them.

I was just starting my one hour prep time for tomorrow's classes when my other student of the day called to say she wasn't coming after all. Her reason was fine, so I rejoiced a little that I would have some extra time.

I finally got all the lessons straight for tomorrow, plus the paperwork done, so I called Fumihiko. He came to get me a little later and we went out for dinner.

We went to the new place that's quite close to our apartment, Grado. I had salmon and Fumihiko had Shonai Pork. Mine was really nice, but the portions were both a little small. Still, I think I rather like that restaurant. It used to be a ramen shop that no-one went to, so I hope this little Italian place will do well.

We came home via the grocery store. We're going to the next city over to go to a party tomorrow night, so we had to get stuff to take. I got the fixings for nama ham roll-ups.

When we came home, I softened the cream cheese for a bit, then made my contribution. They are really nice, just nama ham and cream cheese. Low carb, although not particularily low calorie!

And that was about it for the evening. I spent most of the night on my computer. I read the newest reviews on Roger Ebert's site and drank a lot of decaf coffee! Deary me.

Well, since we're going to that party, we won't be coming home tomorrow night. That means no update tomorrow. Sorry about that everyone. Hope you weren't already waiting for one. Got to go. Night night!


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