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May 12, 2008 - Monday

Sunny and warm outside.


Today was a quiet nice day really. I didn't set my alarm clock this morning so of course I slept late! I didn't care. It was nice. Tomorrow I'll try to get up earlier, I promise.

When I got up I did a load of laundry. I washed the new towels that I bought as well as the kitchen tea-towels. Then in a fit of bravado I hung them out on our balcony. Yay me!

I had a lazy day watching the TV from Saturday night. Most of it was quite good. I really think I like CSI : NY the best.

Around 3:30- 4:00 I had a snack. I finished up the tray of meat from last night, and had the last part of my avocado on nice firm bread. Yum.

Fumihiko came home around 5:45. He was tired, poor thing. We had a bit of a snuggle, then decided to go out for dinner. Both of us had been thinking about Tonkatsu, so we went to the restaurant. It wasn't very busy tonight, so it was nice and quiet. We had a lovely meal.

We bought a few groceries after we finished eating. My first impulse had been to go and have a nice coffee in the mall, but then I realized the store would close within 20 minutes so we'd have to rush. At the price of the coffee, who wants to just slurp it down? So, tomorrow's dinner is shaping up to be tacos. I hope they'll be good. If I get off my duff tomorrow I'll do a bit of prep on them. Just things like cutting up the tomatoes and washing the lettuce will really help us eat before midnight.

We came home and had a quiet evening. Fumihiko was doing some translating for me, so I couldn't talk to him. He's a dear to do it for me, he really is. The only problem is that he emails the translations to me before he proofs them. Then he wants me to make the corrections. Some are fine, but I can't really do kanji on my computer. And, he almost always wants it printed out right away. Today though, I got it ready to go, but didn't print it.

He's off in dream land, and frankly, that's where I should be too. I really have to run. I'll talk to you later! Night night!


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