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May 25, 2008 - Sunday

Cloudy and muggy all day, a little rain at night.


I slept in extremely late today. But, it was the weekend and I didn't have anywhere that I needed to be!

When I finally got up and dressed, we went to Jiro for breakfast! I'd personally say it was a late brunch, but Fumihiko called it breakfast. It was nice.

After brunch we came home for a few minutes, or so we thought! I checked the internet for the movie times at the mall, but the movie we wanted to see wasn't on for 3 more hours. That's too long to hang around the little mall for. So, we stayed home. Fumihiko had a bit of a nap, I messed around on my computer.

Finally, it was time and we drove out to the mall. We got there with 30 minutes to spare, so Fumihiko wanted a snack. Except he didn't have a snack in the sense that I would call a snack. He had a trough of yakisoba. Apparently he ordered himself the extra large order of yakisoba. When he brought the plate over, I couldn't believe how much he had. And, he ate most of it all by himself too. He didn't offer me any!

We went to see Michael Clayton tonight. Fumihiko paid for the popcorn and drinks tonight because we had free movie passes that we used. We went in to the theater and it was cold! The air conditioning was in overdrive. I ended up wearing my jacket, which is something that I never do at a movie, and Fumihiko zipped his jacket up and complained about the cold to me. He usually doesn't feel temperature differences, so this was definitely too much. The movie, well, the movie was great. I really enjoyed it. I thought it was quite intriguing and I'd even like to see it again so that I can check on a few things to see if I missed anything.

After the movie I suggested going to the Aeon store to get some nice bread for me, and also some sunflower seeds. We did that, then came back and had coffee at the Seattle's Best Coffee shop. The clerk (barista?) asked if I had a point card and I very nicely handed over my Starbucks one! When I saw her face I realized what I'd done. What an idiot! I did a quick search for my other card and handed it over.

We drove back to Tsuruoka and visited the grocery store to get me something to eat. I didn't feel like going to a restaurant. I got a light snack and we came home.

We had a quiet evening here. Fumihiko went to bed a while ago. He's not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. He's not enjoying work right now. Some problems with his co-workers I think.

Tomorrow I don't really have any plans. I do have quite a few reviews that I need to write and perhaps I can fit in a little housework too, although I can't be sure about that!

Talk to you later. Night.


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