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June 7, 2008 - Saturday

Sunny and then cloudy.


A pretty good day really. I got up this morning, showered and then spent time on my computer. Fumihiko came back from washing his car, and took me out for breakfast. Today we went to Marumatsu. The food was okay today. Then, I was dropped off at my school.

I had 2 pretty good classes today. I was supposed to have a third one but it cancelled last night. In the space between (anyone else like Roxy Music?) I prepped Tuesday's classes and read some magazines. That was nice.

After work, Fumihiko and I went for coffee at Mr. Donuts, then hacked around S-mall looking for a hat for me. I've decided that since my scalp seems to be really sensitive these days, I should absolutely protect it from the sun. They had sun hats, but they were sun hats with big price tags, so I said not yet. I'll check out Mikawa Mall soon.

We had a nice dinner in Cafe Frambois tonight. I had chicken, and Fumihiko had steak. I told my husband halfway through the meal that I felt like I'd been having dinner with his neck! There was a TV on with a volleyball game on it in the corner of the restaurant. I'm not a volleyball fan, but apparently it was to decide who would go to the Olympic Games this year. I also pointed out that I really hate the Olympics because if Japan wins anything at all, they don't stop talking about it for years and years. And years.

We came home after dinner, supposedly to watch a movie. I'd requested that we watch Raiders of the Lost Ark in preparation for the upcoming movie, but my husband had other ideas. Sigh. He wanted to watch the rest of the volleyball game. Okay, so I let him. I had some computer stuff that needed doing anyway.

When the game was over he asked if we could watch one of the new movies we'd just bought. I had read that it was bad, so I was curious about it. We watched Killing Moon (Japanese title was Airport 2000.) According to the IMDB it was partially filmed in my home city. That is NOT a reason to see it. The movie just kept getting worse and worse. I think when I was writing my little science fiction stories in high school I could have written a more cohesive plot. So, save yourself time and money and don't watch that film. Awful.

After the movie was over, Fumihiko was hungry. He was going to make toast but I suggested that I make French Toast, so I did. I managed to stretch two eggs to coat 4 pieces of bread. Yay me! It was a nice snack. I cooked his first, but do you think I could get the silly man to put margarine or syrup on it right away? No. I got a little ticked at him because in my opinion, if the butter/margarine doesn't go on right away, you might as well throw the whole thing away. What's the point?

We put on Raiders finally and I was really enjoying it, except I noticed my husband was getting sleepier and sleepier. Finally we stopped the movie so that he could go to bed. Sigh. My good movie, ruined by volleyball and that lame dvd.

Anyway, we can watch the rest tomorrow, most likely. Hopefully, we'll enjoy it then too. Not sure what we're going to do tomorrow, but I hope that karaoke will be involved. We haven't gone in ages.

Talk to you later. Night night!


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