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July 8, 2008 - Tuesday

Rainy then very humid. Clearing later on.


I got up this morning and stayed up. Even though there was no news. Yay me.

I really had a quiet morning and afternoon. I took the blanket off my bed again as I haven't used it in days. I let Fumihiko have his, but folded it up at the bottom of his bed so if he wants it he can just pull it up. For some reason, Fumihiko is wonky about temperature. He can't tell if it's hot or cold. I didn't realize that he was serious when he said that for the first few years we were married when we lived in the draughty room at the top of his draughty house. I thought it was me who was crazy for being cold, rather than him being crazy for being fine!

I had to run the air conditioner a lot today. I tried not to, and even made sure to wear very lightweight clothing, but it actually wasn't the heat what done me in, it were the humidity. (Been reading the Corrie Street update again!) If it's bad up here, I can't really imagine what it's like in Tokyo or other places south of here.

I did do the rest of my laundry which was a relief just to get done. I just don't like doing it that much.

I left for the school around 4 and got there quite quickly. The school was a balmy 28 degrees. I had to run the air conditioner. I did quite a bit of work before class too. I vacuumed and dusted. Good for me.

My classes went well. The first one was really nice. This student studies hard. Technically he's a returnee, but I don't think he actually made it into the school system where he lived before. I think he was too young. His understanding is really good. He doesn't speak a lot, about average for children. My second class was okay too. We finished up the lesson from last week, and took care of some business too. Both students are going to America soon, one at the end of this week, the other next month. That means that this will be the last time in about a month the students will see each other. I also let one student test my Clinique sunscreen. She has sensitive skin too, and is looking for something to wear overseas.

After class I finished up quickly and called my husband to come over. He did and we left the school. He was supposed to have made dinner, but finished work late and didn't. So, we did a grocery run instead. I got fixings for tomorrow night's dinner plus something for tonight. We had asparagus fry, negi-toro maki (sushi), salad and cold chawan mushi. Later we had some very bitter local strawberries. Dinner was quite nice.

I had a quiet evening with my husband. He fell asleep on the couch, poor thing, and I only just got him off to bed.

Anyway, that was my day. It wasn't too bad. Night!


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