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July 13, 2008 - Sunday

Hot and sunny.


Today was mostly okay. It's in the process of ending badly, but we won't talk about that will we?

This afternoon we went to the Grand El Sun for lunch. I had pasta today and it was very nice. I had zucchini and panchetta in a genovase sauce. There were toasted pine nuts in it too. I've never been a big fan, but they were okay today.

We did some shopping at Yamaya and then at the hardware store. I got something that I've thought about getting for a while. I picked up a shredder. It's more for home than for the school, but not completely. Sometimes I have papers that have way too much information on them to just put in the garbage, so I'm going to shred them first.

We didn't have much planned for today, so we went to karaoke after that. We stayed for a bit over 2 hours. It was fun, but not as much as it should have been. We didn't get the good sound system today. Oh well.

On what I thought was the way home, Fumihiko started driving out to the mall. I asked him where he was going but he didn't know. We didn't go to the mall thankfully, but we ended up going along the coast. There wasn't much point from my way of thinking because it was dark, and we couldn't see anything.

We had an okay dinner at Gusto. Neither of us was very hungry so it was a good place to go I think.

We came home and once again I had to do more printing for my husband. Honestly, I think if you don't know how to use a computer you shouldn't be allowed to operate one. I'm not perfect, but this thing of him getting me to do his printing is so annoying. Of course, it can never be done when I'm ready, it's got to be done RIGHT NOW and if it isn't done correctly THE WORLD WILL COME TO AN END.

At one point I tried to make a joke and was told to stop talking so I did.

Anyway, tomorrow I don't have a lot of plans. I'm probably going to go out if I have time. I have a few hours of TV that I've taped and I'd like to watch them. Things that I can't watch when my husband is around.

Talk to you tomorrow night. Got to go! Night.


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