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July 14, 2008 - Monday

Muggy and rainy, clearing at night.


Not a great day really. But mostly my fault for that.

I went to bed late last night and slept okay. Fumihiko was up at his usual time and left, then I got up. It was only 8 am. Pretty unusual for me. I checked the news, there was some on, but my Chinese/Arabic/Korean is non-existant, so I ended up going back to bed. I did set my alarm, but overslept so got up very late.

I had a quiet day at home. The weather wasn't good, so I didn't go out. I watched my weekend's TV, it was okay. The new Cold Case season just started here. I liked it. Lily Rush has a beau!

I made myself some lunch...I had scrambled eggs for a change. Usually I do an omelette, but just didn't feel like one today. It was nice. I also had some of the gorgeous bread I bought at the bakery on Saturday. So yummy.

Fumihiko had sent me a message during the day, which is his way of apologizing without really apologizing. When he came home he did have the grace to apologize for yesterday though. Then I had to do another blooming printout for him. Luckily it didn't take long. When he'd gotten it, he went to the bedroom and went to sleep. He was out like a light. I napped on the couch for a bit, joined him on the bed for a while and then woke up around 8:30. I tried to wake him to go out, but he didn't wake up. I fell back asleep on the couch and woke up again just before 10 pm. I managed to wake him up this time and we went out for dinner.

We went to the new pasta restaurant near our apartment and had a nice meal. I had carbonara, he had ginger pork. There was one little problem though. The restaurant brought us two servings of the pork. We'd only ordered one. Sigh. They took it back. It looked good, but the carbonara was really filling.

We came home, and were a whole lot friendlier to each other. Fumihiko made coffee and we watched Medium. I thought he liked the program, but tonight he told me he didn't. However, he doesn't make stupid comments all through it like he does for regular detective shows, so I don't mind watching it with him around.

So, that was my day. Lots of sleep involved, so I didn't really do anything. Goodness. Tomorrow I'm back to work, so please wish me luck. Got to go. Night.


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