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July 12, 2008 - Saturday

Sunny and hot.


I had a good day today. Fumihiko was up and out early this morning, while I slept until my alarm went off. He went to his doctor and also to see his mother. It's the local Obon time, so she had a few errands for him to do. He came back in time to take me to breakfast. Yay. I also put him to work for me, after he dropped me off at the school.

I only had one class today, which went quite well. We both seemed to enjoy ourselves. Afterwards, I cleaned, set up for Tuesday and then called my husband.

Fumihiko picked me up and we decided to go for coffee. Then, we decided to try a different place. I didn't know if the place was a coffee shop or just a shop where we could buy coffee. Turns out, it was the latter. A man has opened a shop in Tsuruoka where he roasts coffee and sells it. We bought some today. We haven't tried it yet, but will soon. While he was roasting and grinding the coffee for us, we went to Mr. Donut for some cafe au lait.

Fumihiko dropped me off at home and went to run another errand for his mother. I hacked around on my computer. When he came back he wanted to go out for dinner and then over to the mall.

We had okonomiyaki again and it was good. The restaurant was a bit busy tonight, but not as much as the last time we went. We split our okonomiyakis...each of us had a different kind so we shared. It was nice.

We got to the mall quite a bit early tonight. We got our tickets right away, but took a bit of time to window shop in the stores. Didn't get anything though. When there were just a few minutes left, we went back to the theater and I got the drinks and popcorn.

Tonight we saw Speed Racer and I thought it was fun. It was not the most cerebral of films, but was a fairly decent family movie. Some parents might not like some of the scenes, but over all I thought Speed Racer was much better than it ought to be.

After the movie we came home and I made some tea. Around 1 I made Fumihiko watch Heroes with me. He still doesn't get it. Poor thing. It's fun though.

That was about it for my day. We have no plans for tomorrow. I'm not sure if Fumihiko will be needed by his mother or not. I don't mind as long as I get to see him too! Got to go. Night night!


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