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July 18, 2008 - Friday

Humid and hot. Very cloudy.


Today was an okay day. I woke up in a panic this morning, I'm not sure why! I thought I was running late, but of course I wasn't. I watched the news, and spent a bit of time at my computer. I decided to finally take the plunge. I booked tickets home for myself in September. Wahoo.

It was a horrible day weather-wise. Even before I took my shower, my hair was damp. I didn't want to run the AC, but I really didn't have a lot of choice. It was the AC or take to my bed with a cold water bottle and a couple of strawberry daiquiris!

In the afternoon I watched today's Re: Genesis. How come I like that show so much? Oh yes, it doesn't talk down to it's audience. I've heard, and I'm a bit fearful about it, that it's going to be remade as a network US show, rather than an indie/Canadian one. I think that will wreck it. Apart from being subversive, some of the topics that they cover just wouldn't work on regular networks. And, would they keep the same cast? Probably not. Sigh.

I had a lovely omelette today while I watched CSI: New York. I know I've seen them all already, but they're quite enjoyable.

I took off for my school right on time, and got there a few minutes after 4. I started up the air conditioner there too. It was 29 degrees in the school today. Not as hot as yesterday, but not pleasant either. I got ready for my first class. I had a little paperwork to prepare before class.

My class went well, but the student had a listening test during the class. Despite doing very well, he started to cry afterwards. I'm not sure why. I certainly didn't get angry at him. He didn't get 100% so maybe that's why? We finished up, and then we played a bit of a card game until he seemed better.

In the break between my classes I did some paperwork and got ready for my next class. Except, the student called me a few minutes before my class to say she couldn't come! Oh dear. However, she did book in another class tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully I'll see her then.

I called Fumihiko and asked him to come and pick me up. He came and we drove home. After a few minutes of checking email, I started cooking dinner. Fumihiko put himself in charge of heating up the shu mei. I cooked the ginger pork and a few sausages too. We had salad as well. It was a nice dinner.

We really had a quiet evening. Fumihiko is already in bed. It's not even 2 yet and I'm feeling like I should be toddling off too. It's so hot and humid, and it doesn't cool down very much. It's only July, I'm a bit worried about August's weather. Hopefully I'll adjust soon.

That's it for me. I'll be leaving here tomorrow afternoon for Sendai. It's a long weekend in Japan so we're running off for a bit of shopping and fun. Catch you on Monday when we get back. Gotta go! Night.


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