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September 9, 2008 - Tuesday

Warm and sunny.


A good day. I slept in a little later than yesterday, but it was so nice to wake up and not be covered in sweat. When I got up I checked the TV and realized that Runaway Bride was on. I ended up watching it. It was okay. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either.

I had a quiet day at home today. It was nice. It was cooler today, so cool that I didn't have to turn on the air conditioner at all at home. Hurray for that.

I left for the school later than usual for a Tuesday. My 5:00 pm student had cancelled last week so I had extra time. Yay. I hit the drug store on the way to work, and picked up some things for my trip. I got some letter writing paper, a travel toothbrush and a couple of other things. I paid of course, and set back off to my school. When I got there it was a hot 32 degrees. I tried just opening the window for a bit, but I didn't get flowthrough. After a few minutes I closed the window and turned on the air conditioner.

I did some planning for after my holiday, and got set up for today's class. I also opened the book order that I received yesterday. Everything was there. Yay.

My class went well tonight. One of my students asked if she could stay late to talk to me after class. She has a speech contest soon, and wanted some pointers. I didn't mind. Our class went well and was quite fun. We talked about going to the doctor and describing symptoms. After class the student and I chatted and then she went home.

Fumihiko picked me up a bit after 9 pm and we went to Grado for dinner. I had a pizza, one with mushrooms and basil sauce, Fumihiko had a donburi. They were both good. My pizza was quite different. I often have problems with tomato sauce, so it was nice to have a different base on the pizza.

We hit the grocery store after dinner. Fumihiko volunteered to make dinner tomorrow night. He's going to make nabe. I'm looking forward to it.

We came home and Fumihiko did some channel surfing and found the British drama Spooks on. I watched the episode and it was really good. It's the first one I've ever seen, but I could follow most of what was going on. Later on, Fumihiko fell asleep on the couch and I channel surfed and found ER. I watched it. With our new TV it's really hard to know what the channels are for me. Fumihiko did read the manuals, but he hasn't explained things to me yet. One cool thing that I discovered is that both ER season 13 and Ugly Betty Season 2 will start at the end of this month. I won't be here quite yet, but I hopefully can tape them and watch them later.

And that's it. Today was definitely cooler and I'm so glad. I know in a month or so I'll be complaining about the cold, but right now, I'm terribly glad that I'm not sweating all the time.

Got to go. Night night!


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