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September 8, 2008 - Monday

Sunny and cooler! Hurray for that.


I woke up this morning around 7:30 when Fumihiko got up. I never really went back to sleep. I was up again before 8, or just after Fumihiko left.

I didn't have a busy day with housekeeping (although I probably should have had!) but I did a bit. I mended a pair of Fumihiko's pants while I watched CSI, then later on in the day, I started packing my suitcase for my trip. I managed to fit everything in, but I'm not finished yet.

I didn't spend all day on the computer either. Today I re-read a Dick Francis novel, To The Hilt. It was great. I took it off someone's hands a few months ago. They did it as a bookcrossing to me. I'm a tad sad as I hoped to keep the novel, but maybe someone else would like to read it. Any takers?

Fumihiko was a little late tonight, but was home before 6 pm. He asked me if I'd like to go to Kitamura, the photography store. I have a point card that says it's about to expire from there. We went over there and they said it was okay, that their system had been changed and the card doesn't expire. Hurray! Then, Fumihiko drove me to my school where I dropped off my book order that arrived this afternoon. I'll have to try and pay it this week before I go. (I don't have to, but would like to for the peace of mind.) Once at my school I found a card from a delivery company saying that they had tried to deliver a catalogue but since I wasn't there didn't leave it.

We went and chased down the catalogue! Fumihiko wanted to do it. We got it and then came home.

After some grapefruit juice and a little snooze on hubby's part, we cooked dinner. Fumihiko did spinach in the microwave, and I sauteed the miso flavoured pork chops. We also had caesar salad and coffee. It was nice. We have leftovers of the pork too.

We had a quiet evening. Fumihiko was watching bad Japanese TV (is there any other kind?) and I went to the bedroom to read some of my book. I personally enjoyed myself immensely.

Fumihiko and I watched Medium at 11 and had drinks. Oolong tea and iced coffee. Yum. He took his bath and that's about it for us.

Tomorrow I have one lesson in the evening. I'm not sure what else I'll do with myself tomorrow. Wish me luck! Night night.


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