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September 10, 2008 - Wednesday

Warm and sunny, beautiful day.


It was a little cold last night when I went to bed. I had to double up my towelket, so definitely there has been a change in the weather. Hurray for that.

I got up late, but channel surfed and didn't find much. The internet kept me busy for a while. After my shower I was able to watch BBC news so it was a nice thing for me. When the news finished, I went out.

I went to the post office and paid for my school books. I also made a deposit and looked at the stamps for sale. They have some of our local aquarium. Now, our local aquarium is terrible in so so many ways, but they have a fabulous collection of jellyfish. Anyway, the stamps had jellyfish pictures on them. They weren't as gorgeous as the real thing unfortunately. When I finished in the post office I took myself off to the local convenience store and got myself a sandwich and a drink. I paid using my Edy card. It was the first time that I'd used it, but it worked just fine.

I came home and watched Grey's Anatomy. It was one of the episodes that made me cry. A surgical resident at another hospital was tired, fell asleep at the wheel of his car and hit another car containing a man, his pregnant wife and her parents. The pregnant woman seemed fine at first but she had terrible injuries. Definitely a weepie episode.

After a while I made lunch and then went out to my school. I stopped at the bank machine to take some money out for me. I love payday! After that, I went to my school.

I got set up and brought my bookkeeping up to date. On the off chance that something happens on this trip, I don't want Fumihiko having any problems.

When my student came we had a good lesson. I made her work really hard on her speech. She's done well and has come a long way. After class, her mother paid for her new textbook and gave me some cakes.

Fumihiko came and picked me up and brought me home. He had made dinner for us, and he cooked it when I was home. He made nabe. It was quite good, and it all vanished! We had nabe made from pork, tofu, mushrooms and hacksai. I managed to spill mine all over myself. Sigh. Since he cooked, I did the dishes. There weren't many so it wasn't too bad.

We had a quiet evening at home. Fumihiko worked on an email for one of my students and I watched The Amazing Mrs. Pritchard. It was cool.

Now it's terribly late, but Fumihiko is still up and we're kicking back and relaxing. I want him to go to bed, but he's a stubborn guy!

That was my day. Night night.


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