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October 10, 2008 - Friday

Warm and sunny.


Today was an okay day at home in the daytime. I got up, watched news, showered and then watched the two British shows that I had taped in the morning. One interesting one was called Ashes to Ashes. It's a sort of sequel to another British detective story that I didn't see. It's about a female police detective who is shot and then wakes up in 1981. She has to try to get back to the present day. There's a motif that keeps repeating, a man in a clown suit a la David Bowie that chases her. It's quite interesting for a first episode. After I watched that, I rewound the tape and watched the beginning and then all of Jekyll. Earlier this week I watched the first episode of this show, but I had missed the first 10 or 15 minutes.

I relaxed until it was time to cook my brunch. I had my usual and it was nice.

At school I got ready for my class. When my student came we had a fairly good class. He said he was sleepy, but he did quite well. When class was over, he had to stay a little extra before his mother picked him up.

My next student called just after 6pm to say she couldn't come tonight. Because I was worried that she has missed so many classes lately, I asked her if she'd like to reschedule for tomorrow. She said she would, so she'll come tomorrow instead.

Fumihiko picked me up and brought me home via the grocery store. When we got home he started on dinner right away. I was quite surprised to be honest. He didn't even change out of his work clothes! Still, it was a lovely treat to have someone cook for me. He made spinach with bacon, teriyaki chicken with negi, and I provided a daikon salad from the grocery. It was nice.

I did the dishes and even cleaned the dish drainer tonight so kind of paid for my dinner I think!

We had a quiet evening. I've been listening to podcasts for a bit because Fumihiko is watching weird Japanese TV again.

I did get an email from the editor of the Journal. She was quite surprised that my column didn't make it to the magazine. The most likely culprit was a software glitch. It's unfortunate, but as I've had a few of those in my days, I am trying not to get too upset about it.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm off to work. I now have two lessons, but that's fine. I also hope to take some of my new clothes to the seamstress in the mall to have my pants hemmed and my pinafore taken in at the armholes. And, we may be able to take in a movie too. I'm not sure about that one though.

Catch you tomorrow I hope. Night night.


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