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October 16, 2008 - Thursday

Sunny and warmish.


Today was a fairly decent day. I got up this morning and watched the news. Of course the news wasn't good at all. Sigh. But, it was on. After that, I took a bit of a nap. I hate to admit it, but I didn't feel all that well. I'm not sure what it was, just couldn't get on with my day.

Finally I got up, showered and got on with my day. I was fine after that. I got a box of books back from a friend with a nice long letter so I wrote her a long email, and I watched another Christmas movie. And wished I hadn't! It wasn't that good.

I went off to work around 4 today, and just before the lights where I cross, got a bug in my eye. Yuck. I couldn't see for a while and it was really difficult to keep my eye open. I went to a drugstore on the way, and used one of their mirrors to fish the little black thing out. I also bought a new toothbrush and some sweetener for my coffee.

I was quite busy at my school today. I had three lessons for a change. My first student usually comes on Saturday, but couldn't this week, so I slotted her into my Thursday schedule. My other two classes came as usual. The middle one was the most work for me as the students are beginners at English and the ages are really too far apart to work well. Still, they are trying hard. The last class was fine though. We went over a take-home quiz, then did some reading work.

After class I got some bad news from a student that was supposed to start classes again on Saturday. She isn't going to come. Well, at least she told me and didn't make me wonder if she forgot her class or whatever.

Fumihiko picked me up around 10 and we went to Grado, the pasta place that's not too far from our place. Tonight I had salmon, ikura and shrimp fettuccine. Oh my goodness, it was wonderful. The sauce was light enough to let the fish flavours through and I ended up really enjoying it. I must say, I've always been pretty happy with the pasta there. They seem to know their stuff. Fumihiko had the steak. He gave me a piece of his steak, but it was too big and I nearly choked on it! I didn't have a knife so I couldn't cut it smaller. The only letdown of the meal was the coffee at the end. It was lukewarm. I'm not sure how they make it, but I think they have it cold and then heat it with their espresso machine (does that make sense?) Anyway, it was easy to drink quickly.

We came home and had a quiet evening at home. Fumihiko made us some decaf coffee, hot this time, and it was nice. Just a perfect way to end the evening.

Tomorrow I have a couple of classes in the evening, and I hope to tackle the growing mound of laundry. Hope to, don't promise to!

Night night.


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