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October 20, 2008 - Monday

Sunny day.


Today was okay. I woke up to an empty apartment and was rather surprised. I didn't hear Fumihiko leave at all. I got up, checked my email, and then went back to bed for a bit. I overslept.

I got up and started to do laundry. Yay. I did three loads of laundry so it's finally done. Hurray. I watched my weekend's TV while I was doing that. Most of the shows were quite good. What About Brian just ended though. I liked it, but apparently most of the actors have gone on to other things.

I stayed in today, didn't go anywhere so when Fumihiko came home and didn't really want to talk to me I was a little upset. He was busy doing his organization thing for the apartment, but unfortunately he didn't really even tell me that! He went out, then came back in and turned on the TV right away. I had enough at that point so I left. I grabbed my jacket, purse (gotta have that gaijin card) and went for a walk. I think it really was a good thing to do as it got me out of the house and let me walk off a bit of my upset. After all, it's not like he really wants to do all that stuff, just that it had to be done today.

When I came back we did talk for a bit and then I started cooking dinner. Tonight was the night to try making the spaghetti squash. I stabbed it a few times and stuck it in the microwave. After a few minutes I turned it over. While I cooked it, I set the table and started the chicken in the pan. The chicken was done, so I turned it down then finally off. The spaghetti squash? not yet. I put it on for longer. Finally, I decided to take it out and just try it. It cut fairly easily, and the middle part was stringy when I took the seeds out. Basically we ate one side of the squash. The other side wasn't quite done I think. We mixed it in a bowl with some Japanese style pasta sauce. Dinner was ready. Fumihiko liked it, and he liked the spaghetti squash too. It was a little crunchy, which made me think that we were a little zealous in getting all the "spaghetti" out. Still, it was quite nice for a change.

Fumihiko did the dishes and then got me to do a bunch of printing for him. When his stuff was done, I realized that I should do some printing for myself and I checked out some websites for Halloween stuff. I printed quite a bit for myself, then did a birthday card for a student.

In the evening, we watched Jekyll which is getting very scary and weird, then settled in to watch ER. It was a pretty good episode, Morris got punched out and nearly arrested, Neela looked gorgeous visiting downstairs from Surgery and Abby met some nannies in a park and decided not to get a nanny!

That was mostly my day. I quite enjoyed it. Any questions? Tomorrow I'm back to work, and I could really use a good night's sleep. Talk to you then.


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