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October 20, 2007 - Saturday

Rainy and cloudy.


A pretty good day. We didn't go to bed until late last night, but Fumihiko managed to get up early anyway. He went off to the doctor, I slept for a bit, then got up and watched Criminal Minds, then headed back to bed! Fumihiko came home a bit later and that's all you need to know about that!

We had lunch at Moku-Moku today, and we both had their lunch special. I tried the pasta and Fumihiko had steak. His was very small, but he said it was good.

After lunch we picked up a few things at Yamaya, where we can get foreign foods. I didn't get much, but I got some mayonnaise.

We headed out to the mall today and we had some coffee at the Mr. Donuts there. I redeemed most of my points and got a blanket and a cup. I'm thinking of sending the blanket to my nephew as part of his Christmas present. Maybe!

We went upstairs and bought our tickets for Hairspray, then went our separate ways for a little while. I went shopping at a decorating store, Fumihiko checked out the bookstore. We met again, I bought popcorn and drinks and we went into the theatre. Hairspray was great! It was a lot of fun, and we both enjoyed it very much.

After the movie, Fumihiko was hungry, so we had dinner, then headed over to the bookstore. I looked at books for a while, but only bought a Reader's Digest for my trip next week.

We came home after the bookstore, then watched TV. Tonight we saw Cold Case and then Grey's Anatomy. I enjoyed both of them. We basically had a very quiet evening together.

It was a really good day. Fumihiko is tired and has gone off to bed, I'll go off soon too. Tomorrow I'm not sure what's going to happen. Tune in and find out! Night.


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