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October 24, 2008 - Friday

Rainy with thunderstorms.


Today wasn't the greatest of days. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't one of the best I've had so far this month.

I got up early, but didn't feel all that well. I had a long long nap on the couch. I got up and showered and then went on with my day. I watched Ashes to Ashes again. I really like it. I wish I could have seen the original show.

The 4400 was on this afternoon, so I watched it and a little later headed off to the school. It had rained most of the day, but didn't look too bad when I left. Well, by the time I got to the school I was soaked. The rain had really come on strong. There were places that I didn't think could get wet while I was fully dressed that did get wet. When I got to the school I parked my bike and went inside. I hung up my wet clothes in the bathroom and got ready for the day.

It was a good thing that I was ready a little earlier than usual because my student showed up 15 minutes too early. I'm not sure why his grandmother dropped him off early, but I was none too pleased. I wouldn't start his lesson early and I needed a few minutes to finish getting ready. Our actual class went quite well, and I even gave him a quiz which he aced.

After class, I did my paperwork and then I got ready for my next class. The student cancelled again, just before class time. I read for a bit and then called my husband. There was no answer. I hadn't heard from him by 8:20 so I decided to just go home.

Going home tonight was a bit complicated. My bike light's batteries had died, so I had to replace them. The spares were in the school. I went back in to get them. My clothes were still wet, so it was uncomfortable wearing them. I finally got everything done and set off. I got quite wet on the way home too, but it was an uneventful ride, thankfully.

When I arrived at the apartment, I changed into my pyjamas and checked email. Fumihiko called at 9:00pm wondering where I was. He'd been at his mother's again, and didn't get my message.

When he came home I made dinner. Tonight we had ginger pork, salad, veggies and chawan mushi. It was good actually.

The rest of the evening was quiet. We watched Spiderman 3 on the TV and after that I've been watching multiple episodes of Sex and the City. It's interesting, funny, but a little too smug for me. Still, I keep watching it.

Tomorrow my one and only class has cancelled, so I don't know what I'm going to do.

That's it, I'm out of here. Night night.


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