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October 25, 2008 - Saturday

Sunny and warmish.


Today wasn't a great day. It wasn't a bad day either, but more bad than good really.

I went to bed really late last night so I slept in equally late today. I didn't care. I didn't have any plans at all for today.

We had a later lunch in Gusto, but not our usual one. One of the many things that irritate me about my husband is that he never makes plans, but he's always in a hurry to get somewhere. Today, he was really anxious to leave the apartment and eat, but he didn't know where. Everywhere he thought of going was past its lunch time, so it didn't work out. That's why we ended up at Gusto.

On the way home he wanted to go to a couple of tire shops, so he went in, I waited in the car. We did stop by my school briefly as I had left things ready for today's student and wanted to clean up a little. I grabbed my clothes from this week and brought then home.

Fumihiko brought me home and then went to order his winter tires. Yawn. I spent quality time on my computer. After he came home, he tried to sleep. I watched Journey to the Center of the Earth. I love schlocky sci-fi like that, so I enjoyed myself.

In the evening we went to Benkei for dinner. It was good, but the new version of the restaurant doesn't have my old favourites. It's terribly sad. When we came home we watched the first part of The Stand. I think Fumihiko liked it. Gary Sinese was so young back then!

We watched Grey's Anatomy at midnight. Well, I did. Fumihiko muttered all the way through it. I'm now waiting for Heroes to come on, except it hasn't yet. It's 20 minutes late and driving me crazy. I hope to get to bed early today. Well, earlier than yesterday anyway!

I should go. Fumihiko has a meeting to go to in the morning, then I'm not sure what we're going to do with ourselves tomorrow. I hope I get to have a little time to myself, but you never know.

Gotta go! Night.


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