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October 30, 2008 - Thursday

Some rain, but mostly clear.


I had a good day today. I got up, watched the news and then I took my shower early. I did do laundry today. Unfortunately, I forgot to check the pockets of a new pair of pants and left a tissue in the pocket. It was my dark coloured wash too, so you can imagine how everything looks with tissue all over it. Live and learn.

I had some of the dulce de leche for breakfast today on toast. It was very nice. Yum.

I went over to the school and popped into a drugstore on the way. Thursday is my "I can go shopping day", so I looked around the store and bought a few things. I got to the school in good time and set up for the day.

Classes went well today. We did some Halloween colouring in the first one, and then at the end of classes everyone got to say "Trick or Treat" to get a treat. That was fun. My adult student liked it too.

Fumihiko was late picking me up, but it was okay as my last class went a little long. I cleaned up and got ready for tomorrow.

I had to use my heater at the school today. It was only 16 degrees when I got there first. I used my oil heater to get it up before my first class, then ran the air conditioner's heater during the children's lesson. At the start of this month I was still using the air conditioner. Hard to believe it's cooled down that much.

Fumihiko and I went to Cocos for dinner. We had a nice meal and as we had a coupon for dessert, decided to share one. It was Halloween mud pie. It was different from the mud pie I used to have back home, but it was good. Very glad that I shared it as I think one would have been too much. Fumihiko kept talking about sharing another one. I think he was joking.

We came home and had a quiet evening. It was late when we got back, so there wasn't much we could do anyway. Fumihiko has now gone off to bed and is sleeping away.

Got to go. Night night!


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