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December 1, 2008 - Monday

Clear and cool.


Today was okay. I didn't feel that great in the morning, so I stayed at home most of the day. I really didn't mind. I had a lot of things to do. I wrote the letter for my students. Fumihiko will translate it for me soon. I also wrote a holiday letter to put in with my Christmas cards. I have to get on them.

I watched Saturday's TV and was a bit put out by CSI: Miami. They had a family that was supposed to be Canadian visiting Miami. One of the family members was killed and the father made a huge fuss about the way the investigation was going. None of the family sounded Canadian in any way, shape or form. The father was played by Dean Cain, ex Clark Kent from Lois and Clark. I was a bit put out. There are so many Canadians in Hollywood, they couldn't find a few to put on the show?? They used to have a semi-reg Canadian cast member after all, Brendan Fehr.

After Fumihiko came home, I made him take me out. We did a lot though, so it was good. First we had dinner at Togashi. It was yummy. Then, we dropped off my shopping at my school. I also set the heater for tomorrow there. Then, we went to the big bookstore in town to get a book for making nengajo. I have decided not to stamp them anymore. I have a beautiful assortment of stamps, I just don't have time to do them. Fumihiko is too picky and complains too much, so I gave up on them. Finally we went to the grocery store and got, um, groceries for tomorrow night. I guess I'll cook after dinner. If I get a chance I'll do some prep work during the day. Maybe.

We had a quiet evening at home. While Fumihiko was off taking his bath, I started watching ER. When he was done, he watched the rest of it with me. It was a "move the story along episode", except that Archie really told off the snotty surgeon that's been making everyone angry. Yay Morris. Didn't think he had it in him.

Fumihiko went to bed quite early. I stayed up to blog and to set the coffee for the morning and put out a plate for my hubby's breakfast if he's up for it. Sometimes he doesn't eat in the morning.

That was my day. It was quite good. Got to go! Night night.


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