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December 1, 2007 - Saturday

Clear, but rainy with thunder at night.


An okay day. I had a hard time getting up this morning. I was really tired. I managed finally when Fumihiko came back from his doctor's. I was surprised to see him back so soon. I showered and then settled in for another thrilling episode of Criminal Minds. I like the show, but it's a little violent for Saturday mornings!

After brunch I went to the school and had two pretty good classes. My students did really well today, and we all had fun. In one of the classes we talked about telling time. That was good.

Fumihiko and I went to the mall after my classes. We had dinner in the Chinese restaurant there. It was good, if a little starchy. I ordered chicken with cashew nuts, but there were also some walnuts in it. They tasted okay, but I was surprised that they'd put some in. Did they run out of cashews?

We went to see Beowulf at 6pm and I really liked it. I thought the animation was great. In a few cases they really looked like the human actors. I must have studied Beowulf in one of my classes, but I can't really remember the story. I'm not sure there was a naked demon in it. Oh well. Ray Winstone's voice was great as the lead character.

After the movie we did a little shopping. The coffee shop finally had decafe coffee for sale again, so we got some, then looked for another present for Zachary. I remembered the other night that his birthday is early in January, so I have to get him both a Christmas present and a birthday present. We looked for a toy, but couldn't find anything age appropriate that wasn't made in China. Finally we went to Uniqlo for some clothing...probably made in China! Still, we got him some nice things, so I hope he'll be happy.

We came home via the grocery store. We had a pointless trip there. We didn't really buy very much. We got two bagels and some booze. Not for me.

This evening I watched CSI: Miami and Cold Case, then I set the VCR to tape Grey's Anatomy and shut off the TV. Bliss! We still haven't watched last week's episode yet.

We're now discussing whether to go out for pizza or not. I'm starving and I don't care if it's a "bring it home and cook it yourself" pizza or one made by a local restaurant. However, the weather has just tanked again, so it's a bit scary to think of going out there.

Wish us luck if we do! Night night.


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