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December 28, 2008 - Sunday

Cold, snowy, windy.


A pretty good day. I slept late today. When I got up, I grabbed my newspaper and took it to the bedroom, got back in and read the paper. Ah, decadence! It was great.

When Fumihiko and I went out, we went to Jiro for brunch. It was good. We came home, grabbed our bedding and then the postal card about my package and headed out. We went to the post office first and even though they were officially closed, there were staff there helping people with their nengajo, so they got my parcel for me. (They were closing up their booth, so were done work too.) Service! Amazing. In Canada they'd probably have made me come back the next day.

Fumihiko and I went to the laundromat where we spent a couple of hours doing our bedding. It's nice to have it washed in hot water once in a while, plus this way we can get the mattress pad done. It's too big for my little washing machine at home. I finished reading my newspaper, then started writing my next movie column.

When we were done, we came home and made the bed. It looked very nice. Then, we relaxed for a while. We had dinner tonight at Moku-Moku and then bought a few groceries at the nearby store.

At home again, we watched Love Actually. It's such a good film. One of my favourites for Christmas. Now we're just vegging. I had to prep the garbage for Fumihiko to take out in the morning...last burnable garbage this year, and the heater ran out of kerosene so I filled the tank. Fumihiko offered, but he'd just finished his bath and I didn't want him getting a chill.

Tomorrow the plan is to go to my school and do a bit of a rework. I want to move the classroom English signs to places that are better for the students, and to clean the place. I hope to wash the curtains, and do a lot of vacuuming and dusting. I think Fumihiko is going to come with me, so I'm a bit trepidatious as we have such different methods of doing things. In any case, work should be done! Wish us luck!

Got to go. Night night.


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