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December 27, 2008 - Saturday

Snowy and cold.


An okay day. We went out for soba for lunch today. Fumihiko had gone to the doctor early on. I got up and read my newspaper and watched the news I discovered a weird thing. They had edited the news. The forecaster said, "A couple of passings of note today..." and went on to talk about Harold Pinter. And then, the topic was changed. I think NHK may have edited out Eartha Kitt's obit. At least I assume it was NHK.

Lunch was fine, except it was a traditional type of soba shop so we sat on the floor. I don't like that! It was cold too.

After lunch we went to Musashi to get winter windshield wipers for Fumihiko's car. I got a bunch of things for my school and our apartment.

Fumihiko watched tv and I fell asleep on the couch. From about 6 pm on though he watched figure skating. Now, generally I like figure skating, but I was also getting hungry and wanted to have dinner. Basically I ended up having a snack at home and then we went out to Gusto. Fumihiko wasn't feeling well, poor thing. This is something new that's going on.

We picked up a few groceries at the store and came home. We didn't watch any TV. We'd had a bit of an argument about TV earlier.

A while ago Fumihiko went to bed, and I'm planning to go soon. I'm really tired and need a good night's sleep. I'm not really sure what we're going to do tomorrow so I need to be ready!



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