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tses Instructions for an Easy Wind Chime


I usually use variegated cord for this type of project. But for this one I used different three colors.

The supplies you will need are as follows:

35 yards of variegated or other cord; 1 - 2 1/2" metal or wooden ring; at least 6 large beads or bells, 1 - 8" piece of driftwood, cactus (cholla) wood skeleton, manzanita burl, or grape root. 4 yards of fishing line; 8 chimes (bamboo, bells, or stoneware); 8 small eyelets (not needed for cactus skeleton) I used only 6 large bells instead of 8.

Step 1 - Cut two 8 yard cords of white, one 8 yard cord of each red and blue, or any colors of your choice, one white cord - 34", and one 36" cord.

Step 2 - Wrap a 2" ring with a 34" cord and tie securely with a square knot .

Step 3 - With the square knot in the center, put all cords through the ring and with the 36" cord start 2" before the center and tie square knots, at center add cords from square knot used to secure the ring wrap to filler cords. Tie 2" of additional square knots.

Step 4 - Fold the square knots in half and using the white as filler cords and one of the colors as working cords make 4 1/2"or 20 half knots.

Step 5 - Divide the cords into 3 groups. ONE - the 2 left working cords and and one cord from the core. TWO - 2 of the core. THREE - the 2 right working cords and one from the core. With ONE and THREE make 5" or 10 square knots.

Step 6 - Place 2 beads or bells on the TWO cords and tie and overhand knot to hold the beads or bells in place, for the beads under the bead, for the bells tie to top to allow bells room to move.

Step 7 - Bringing the cords all together with one color on either side of the beaded cords forming a circle. The TWO cords will be about 4 inches long.

Step 8 - Tightly secure the circle and tie 4" alternating double half hitch knots on the left and then the right, alternating the colors.

Step 9 - Repeat Steps 5 through 8. Changing colors for a beautiful effect.

Step 10 - Repeat Steps 5 through 7. Again changing the colors used.

Step 11 - Make a spiral of 3" or 15 half knots in the same manner as above in Step 4.

Step 12 - Divide cords in 2 groups of 4 cords each, with each group tie 10 reversing square knots, changing the color of each knot as you go.

Step 13 - You are ready to tie the Drift wood, Cactus wood, grape root or Manzanita burl into to your hanger. I use a piece 8" in length. .

Step 14 - Bring 2 cords around each side of the wood and make 2 square knots to hold it securely.

Step 15 - If using driftwood go to Step 16. If using cholla wood, I threaded the cords through the holes of the cholla wood, so they would be spaced apart for the bells. I used only 6 - 2 1/2 inch bells on the cholla wood and placed bells on the remaining ends of the cord securing them with overhand knots. I secured the end bells with the two cords used to tie on the wood using a square knot to secure each bell. Cut any remaining cord off, and your Project is complete!

Step 16 - Drill holes in the driftwood to insert eyelets and hang from it different lengths of dried bamboo or bells for your noise makers. Use fishing line to secure these.

Knot instructions:

Alternating Double Half Hitch Knots


First the left cord goes around the two center cords and back through itself, then around again. Then the right cord goes around the two center cords and back through itself, then goes around again. At left shown loosely tied and at right tightened.

Half Knot Sennit


With each group of four cords using the center 2 cords as filler cords tie half knots, they twist left or right depending which cord is overlapping. It will automatically twist when the proper number are made.

Overhand Knot

images/overhand_knot.jpg graphic

Make a loop. Place end through loop and pull to tighten.

Reversing Square Knot

images/revers_knot.jpg graphic

Using the outer cords as working cords and inner cords as the core cords. Place working cord to the left over core cords and under working cord on right. Place working cords on right under core cords and up through loop in left working cord. Place Left working cord over core cords and under Right working cord. Place Right working cord under core cords and through loop in Left working cord. Tighten cords. Now using inner cords as working cords and outer cords as core cords create reversing square knot.

Square Knot


Using the outer cords as working cords and inner cords as the core cords. Place working cord to the left over core cords and under working cord on right. Place working cords on right under core cords and up through loop in left working cord. Place Left working cord over core cords and under Right working cord. Place Right working cord under core cords and through loop in Left working cord. Tighten cords.

Projects for you to make found on our web site.

Instructions may be used for making this project.

Good Knotting!


This page copyright © 1997-2003 tses

Last updated 9 /7/2003


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