tses Macramé Knots page
We've included those used in the macramé projects on this web site. We will add other knots as we're able.
Alternating double half hitch knots Alternate lark's head knots
Alternate square knots Butterfly Crown knot Figure eight knot
Double half-hitch Half Hitch Half knot Interlocking Larks Head Braid Interlocking Square
Josephine knot Lanyard knot Lark's Head Knot Lee Medallion Overhand knot
Reversing square knots Square knot Square knot button Triple half-hitch
Knot instructions:
Alternating Double Half Hitch Knots
First the left cord goes around the two center cords and back through itself, then around again. Then the right cord goes around the two center cords and back through itself, then goes around again. At left shown loosely tied and at right tightened.
This is the same as a Reverse Double Half Hitch knot and it is called an Alternating Lark's Head, only going in two directions. With the right cord take it over the center filler cords making a loop to the left and bringing it through to the front. First using the right cord, then the left. Keep cords even between knots.
Alternating Square Knots can be used to form a basket: Skip 4 inches, tie a row of alternating square knots, skip 3 inches, tie another row of alternating square knots.
Start with the end of the cord and make a figure eight around the thumb and little finger. Butterfly the cord ends leaving 18" free to work with. Grasp the center of the butterfly and slide off your hand. Place a rubber band or a piece of cord around the center to secure it. A gentle pull will release cord as it is needed.
To make Crown Knots: The cords are held upside down, and are separated into equal groups, numbered counter clockwise, in this instruction there are four groups. Put one group behind the thumb, this will be group #1. Pick up group #1 and lay over group #2. Drop group #1 as you pick up group # 2. Lay #2 over #3 Drop #2 and pick up #3. Lay over #3 over #4. Drop #3 and pick up #4. Take #4 over the top and put down directly through the hole where your thumb is. Remove your thumb and tighten each group separately. This can be made with any number of groups just follow them around and tighten each group to finish each row.
The cord comes from the back, around the front, up and over the ring forming a loop. Doing this two times so the knot will stay in place.
As your cord comes down, make a loop, going back up around and down through the lower loop.
The cord comes from the back, around the front, up and over the ring forming a loop
With each group of four cords using the center 2 cords as filler cords tie half knots, they twist left or right depending which cord is overlapping. It will automatically twist when the proper number are made.
This is similar to the alternating larks head braid only you use four working cords. Above are three pictures, showing the knots loosely and then tightening the knot. Take the right center working cord over the filler cords making a loop to the left and bringing it through to the front, and using the same cord going under the filler cords making a loop to the left and bringing it through. Take the right outer working cord and over the filler cords making a loop to the right and bringing it through to the front, and using the same cord going under the filler cords making a loop to the right and bringing it through. Keep knots close and tight. The center cords cross, make sure the left center cord goes over the right or right crosses left, be consistent.
With eight cords, using the center two as filler cords tie a square knot, now divide the eight cords in to two groups of four and with the outer cord and the filler cord from the above square knot tie a square knot on each side. Pulling tight to keep work tight.
With each group of four cords using the left 2 cords form a loop with the
end wrapping around to the back. With other 2 cords go down over the loop
and back around and up over and back down and through the top of this cord
and through the back. Tighten and shape the knot.
This is also called a Chinese Crown Flat knot. It is similar to the crown knot. Starting with the cord on the left make a loop over your thumb and over the other cords, working clockwise loop each cord over the next, and bring the fourth cord through the hole where your thumb is and remove your thumb. Tighten each cord separately, to form a square.
This is the most common method of mounting cords. Fold new working cord in half. Place the loop on top of mounting cord and pull ends through the loop. Tighten to complete knot.
Lee Medallion with Square Knot Button
above are the start of a Lee Medallion and a completed Lee Medallion with
a Square Knot Button. After making a Square knot button and securing it, rotate
work by 180 degrees and make one square knot with outer cords. Rotate again,
back to original position and make one square knot below the securing square
knot. Repeat this until you have three square knots at the bottom of your
work, making sure the cords go out around the previous ones.
note: By pulling the cords tight around the square knot button a
cup shape will form.
Make a loop. Place end through loop and pull to tighten.
To make a Square Knot Button: Tie three to five square knots. Then take the filler cords and thread them between the center of the filler cords at the top above the first square knot. Tie a square knot directly under the button to secure it. Tighten and then pull ends until it forms a ball.
The cord comes from the back, around the front, up and over the ring forming a loop. Doing this three times so the knot will stay in place.
Projects for you to make can be found on our web site.
This page copyright © 1997-2003 tses
Last updated 9 /7/2003