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The Man

Please keep in mind that this is the history taught by the Reflectionists in their religion. It is uncontested by many since they follow the beliefs and because this isn't a scientific society. A clan like Spyre doesn't follow the religion though.

In the beginning of time their existed only one being called the Overseer. He was very powerful and lonely so he decided to make another being with which to talk with. He wanted to make not just any being but an equal. So he made a man of great intelligence, strength, reasoning, and most importantly, a free will. The Overseer then created a world for the man to live in and he named it Monic. The Overseer gave the man everything he needed or asked for: food, clothing, shelter, animals, and other materials. The man eventually became so powerful that he could do things that only the Overseer himself could do. The man had many of his own ideas and he began fighting the creatures in the world the Overseer had made for him. The man developed a fighting style so perfect and cunning that he dubbed it "Sangora" the death art. The man also made inventions of great power, one he called the "Stone of Goth" which granted omniscience and another called the "Omni Gem" which granted omnipotence. The Overseer saw all this come about and decided he was wrong to have created the man and destroyed him and all his inventions and let his death art be forgotten. But even in death the man put the teachings of his death art onto a scroll which he hid from the Overseer and two of his final inventions. The mystery of the man will never be known...After all this happened the Overseer decided to create many people but he vowed not to make all people to perfection like he did the man and to never again interfere with the affairs of man.

The People

After the man was created the Overseer created a people to rule the medieval like world of Monic. After a time the people began to develop many different forms of fighting and formed clans. The people decided that one leader overall or a group of a few people as leaders would be ludicrous. These clans fought each other for supremacy or their own ideals. The leaders of the clans decided all the deaths were not worth it so they got together their best warriors and proceeded to fight in one big battle. The battle was cut short by the discovery of two relics which granted omnipotence and omniscience. And so began the Acabodera wars. Clan killed clan and stole the relics and then killed each other again with the relics. After 200 years of battle all the people in the clans and leaders died out. The survivors could not find the relics and decided it was for the best. The wisemen decided to form a clan of great power to protect the relics from others if they were ever found. In years later other clans were formed again and in the year 1800 A.A. is where the time line stops.

The dates on the timeline from 600 on up to the present are pretty much fact. All dates before are sketchy and do not have any real evidence. Only faith through religion. The date may not even be correct. The world could have existed for millions of years before the date marked 0.


0 B.W.-----------10 B.W.----------20 B.W.----------------600 B.W.--------
     |                |                |                      |
  Overseer creates  Overseer creates  Overseer destroys     Clans formed &
  world               Man              Man & creates people  arts perfected

740 B.W.--------940 B.W.----------1100 A.A.-----1200 A.A.-----------------
   |              |                |              |
  Acabodera Wars  End of Acabodera Clans begin   Stone of Goth &
  Begin            Wars             Reformation  Omni Gem found by
1300A.A.-------------1550 A.A.----------------1800 A.A.------------------ 
   |                   |                          |
  Shadow loses        Scroll of Sangora found    Past game year
 Omni Gem and place     by Sword's Edge clan     
Stone of Goth on Mountain

   |                   |             |                |
 Hyru begins his      Twin Moons   Hyru becomes     Blood of gods
 fight to take power   wiped out   leader of Spyre  visited by Hyru
  (DAY 27)                (DAY 27)

   |               |                |                 |
 Manotic Order   Hyru builds his   Hyru's place as   Great Sentients
   destoyed      Island Fortress  ruler over Monic    destroyed
                                  is known by all
                                  and validated 

   |                  |                 |                  |
 Hyru imposses many  Hyru makes Stint  Talicticians       Den of Souls
 new rules and laws  and Whirlpool to  and Mantas formed   reamerge
 on people of Monic  protect himself

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