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Welcome to the other game on this site which is called the Streaming Story game. Basically what you do is send in a story that picks up where the last one left off and keep the plot flowing forward. Goto the Rules and How to play section of this site and then goto Streaming Story Rules for more information on the rules of this game and how to play. The newest story will be at the bottom of this page. If you wish to see or known where the streaming story picks up at, just goto the old chronogy and begin before day 25 and then write anything you want from there.

You can me your story or you can just write it in this form and submit it.

Your "pen" name:

Beginning of stories

Kilana was crying over the death of Nick Swindle. Then, suddenly, Nick jumped up and said, "I was just messing around. I'm not really dead." But then Barry said, "Not yet." Nick said, "Hey, don't try to kill me Barry, uh, what's your last name?" Barry shrugged, "I don't know. Half the time it's Scott and half the time it's Smith." Nick didn't know what to do, then an idea came to him. He pointed behind Barry and yelled, "Look over there!" While Barry was distracted, Nick took off running. Barry said, "No you don't!" and strapped on his ACME rocket pack. He was speeding toward Nick, but Nick just quickly ducked under a branch which Barry ran into. The rocket pack gave out and Barry hit the ground. But just as Barry was getting up, the rocket pack started up again and shot him straight up into the air. While he was up there, it sputtered and gave out again. Barry held up a sign that said, "Uh oh!". He fell to the ground, causing a little puff of smoke when he hit it. Just as he was getting up out of the hole he was in, a huge rock fell out of nowhere and hit Barry on the head. Nick was home free. All he had to do was get past the millions of Kinshou warriors in front of him. Nick said, "Look-over-there trick, don't fail me now," and ran toward the Kinshou army.

By Nick Swindle

Nick Swindle ran toward the army of Kinshou soldiers and yelled in a loud voice, "Look over there!" He also pointed while doing this. The Kinshou Soldiers quickly looked behind them and glanced to see what Nick was pointing at. Nick laughed to himself but that was too much and the Kinshou soldiers saw him. They ran at Nick, who ducked and covered. After the soldiers past Nick, he got up unscathed. The lead Kinshou soldier got mad at Nick for avoiding their attack so he ordered the soldiers to actually use their weapons this time. Nick shook with fear but was suddenly transported away in a blinding yellow light. When he reappeared he saw Sorrow and Demise standing in front of him. "Hey how did you get your powers back Sorrow and aren't you supposed to be dead?" Nick asked. Demise and Sorrow looked at each other and then said together, "Uh....Sorrow's a mage!" Nick nodded and then asked, "Why did you save me?" "We need your great trickery skills to get back an Ace Sorrow had. He was going to use it in a card game and win lots of talics but someone took it and now we need to get it back," Demise said. "Well why don't you just use Sorrow's powers and get it back?" Nick replied. "Well they have a slinky dog force field that we can't get past with magic and need you to swindle it away from the thieves," Sorrow said. "Yeah and besides, compared to you we are both losers," Demise said. Nick smiled really big and suddenly his swelled until it exploded. The shower of brains and blood stained Demise's clothes beyond drycleaning. Nick's headless body fell to the ground in a motionless pile of stuff. "Ah man now how will we get that card back?" Sorrow cried. "I don't know brother, but I hear there is another man who could help us," Demise said.

By: Chaos Gentry

Demise turned around and saw somebody wearing a Jackie Chan mask. He yelled, "I'm going to kill both of you fat boys." While Demise was busy crying over being called fat, the Jackie Chan impersonator kicked his head off. Sorrow yelled, "Noooooo!" Then the Jackie Chan impersonator looked at Sorrow and said, "Now are you ready to die, fatso?" Sorrow yelled, "Noooooo!" Then the Jackie Chan impersonator said, "Oh, and do you have the time?" Sorrow, who never carries a watch yelled, "Noooooo!" The man with the Jackie Chan mask pulled out a knife and threw it at Sorrow. The knife flew past Sorrow and hit a tree. Sorrow said, "Ha ha, you missed." The man just looked at him knowingly and said, "Did I?" Suddenly a giant meteor fell from space and crushed Sorrow. The man laughed to himself, and when he pulled off the mask it was...

By: Sphere Roundup

Enrico Rico! He had seen many Jackie Chan movies and knew that he instilled fear in many people. He hoped that if he got Sorrow's Ace he could sell it and use the money to make more gel stuff. Suddenly the meteor lifted up in the air and flew to the side. Sorrow stood up and said, "So! It is you Enrico!" "Hey how did you survive that and lift up that meteor?" Enrico asked. "You forgot I am a mage!" Sorrow said. "Well then take this!" Enrico said as he pulled a bazooka out of his pocket. Sorrow ducked as the blast came from the weapon on Enrico's shoulder. But the rocket was stopped by Sorrow's cousin Decoy. "OH no! I forgot my family appears out of nowhere sometimes! My cousin is dead!" Sorrow cried. "Damn I missed! Maybe this time I'll hit him!" Enrico said as he tossed the bazooka aside. Enrico then pulled a rubber band from behind his ear. He quickly pulled it back and aimed it at Sorrow. Just then, Sorrow's brother Jem appeared next to Enrico and distracted him. The rubber band was let go and struck a rock near Sorrow. The rock exploded and showered the area with debris. "What am I doing here?" Jem said as he walked over to Sorrow. He then turned to walk away and then walked back to Sorrow, "Why don't you just use your powers to kill him?" "Because.....I have no reason to. All he did is kill my brother and try to kill me," Sorrow said. Jem smacked Sorrow on the head because of his reply. "Oh no! Something strange is acting upon me! I can't control my actions!" Sorrow yelled as he used his powers to create a giant fireball above his head. The fireball shot out and ignited Enrico's hair and eventually his whole body! Enrico was burned to ash and was no more. Sorrow picked up Jem and shook him up and down. His ace fell out of Jem's pocket and onto the ground. Sorrow looked down and noticed it there then saw Jem was gone. "Oh well. At least I got this baby!" Sorrow then......

By: Ashtar

Sorrow then spun around to see a darkly cloaked figure walking a dog. The figure was screaming a limerick at the top of his lungs "Here comes the poet Velgut talking and walking his mutt! Roses are red, violets are blue and I'm going to smother you in glue!" Velgut immediately whipped out a blob of Elmer's glue and slopped it in Sorrow's face. Sorrow choked for a second, but began getting high on the glue fumes. His head inflated like a balloon and he began floating away. A moment later it popped and Sorrow whizzed around deflating rapidly until Velgut's dog jumped up and chomped hard on Sorrow. The puppy then barked him out into a sewage drain. Velgut dropped and rolled around in the leaves, when suddenly...

By: Some Slug

...a bunch of time passed. One day, in the nearby town of Nameless City, a bunch of villagers were walking around in random directions, running into each other and lamp posts and buildings and things. Suddenly, the Leaf Monster spoken of in their ancient prophecies came running out from the No-Leaf-Monster Inn. Everybody got really scared and ran away. The Leaf Monster smelled a wide grin. However, the Leaf Monster's glee was interrupted when he saw a bird perch on a nearby tree branch. The weight of the bird caused the branch to sway downward a little bit which caused the big anvil on the branch to slide off, hitting one side of a board causing the pizza on the other side of it go flying up in the air and hit a wall causing the Italian chef standing there to yell, "Momma mia!" whose voice carried so much it caused the horseshoe to fall from above the Inn door which caused a spark when it hit cobblestone steps just right which lighted the dynamite which blew up the Inn, and a board from the exploding Inn hit the bowling ball on top of another building which rolled through the gutter and off the side which hit the "on" switch on the flamethrower which burned the rope holding the net and caused the net to fall on the Leaf Monster. Suddenly a bunch of kids and their dog came running up and said, "Our trap worked! Now let's see who you really are." They pulled some of the leaves off of the Leaf Monster's face and saw it was Velgut. One of the kids said, "That glue must have caused all the leaves to stick to him and then he used the legend of the Leaf Monster to scare everybody away so he could get the treasure!" Velgut said, "Yea, and I would have got away with it if it wasn't for you snooping kids." Then the dog barked and Velgut said, "Oh yea, and your dog, too."

By: Super Bowl Mike

Velgut stood up, brushing leaves off himself. The kids just stared as his dog ran in circles, chasing his own tail. Velgut asked one kid, "What is the name of this town?" The kid replied, "This is a Nameless City." Confused, Velgut said "I don't get it. Maybe some nicotine would invigorate my cerebral cortex." He pulled out a cigar and lit it up. Puffing away, he turned to a little girl "So, were you all scared of my impersonation as the Leaf Monster?" Velgut's dog began climbing up a tree behind him. The girl blinked and then screamed "Thou dankish dread-bolted pigeon-egg!" The mutt climbed out to the end of the branch. Velgut was confused, "You know, your brain might work better if you smoked. Nicotine increases your memory retention and attention span!" The mutt leaped into the air from the branch towards a fir hydrant where it landed and died. A boy pulled on Velgut's leg, "Thou artless ill-nurtured bladder." Velgut laughed, "My young friend, smoking also prevents Alzheimer's." Little Susie hit Velgut in the face with an orange, knocking out his cigar. She screamed "Smoking also causes premature hearing loss which is why you're not understanding what we're saying you meanie-leafie!" Velgut started sobbing "Currish hasty-witted codpiece puny full-gorged clotpole roguish guts-griping flax-wench!"

By: Nick O'Teene

Then all the kids died of food poisoning or something, and Velgut stood up and shook the leaves off. Then he said, "Man, for some reason I feel like joining the Kin Shi Tal." And so he did. It had been a year since Velgut had gone to live with the Kin Shi Tal. He had been living with them and learning the ways of the Tal. For a couple of months he sucked. But after awhile he was getting the hang of it. He began to enhance his poetry skills. He mostly stayed to himself. He never told anyone else about his past. After a year and a half he began to talk to the leader of the Kin Shi Tal more. Some of the other members, dudes, were confused as well as the leader. On one day Velgut went up to the leader and said, "Will you teach me how to enhance my poetry?" Well of course the leader was shocked and confused. "I do teach you how to fight in all the classes." said the leader. "I know but I mean like after classes or personality." The leader agreed and told Velgut to meet him on the practice field tomorrow at noon. So for about a two months him and Velgut wrote and wrote. Then one day the other dud(e)s, members, came in on a practice they were having. They were pissed. The leader explained to them that he was the only one who was trying to enhance his poetry. The other members calmed down. Then all of a sudden they all, the other members, asked the leader if they could enhance their poetry. So Velgut and the other dudes were all getting the poetry skills that the leader has been taught during his lifetime. All thanks to Velgut.

By: Corbane

One day, when Velgut and all the other dudes were at the practice field, one of them stood up and cheered. “Hurray, I just finished my 100,000 line long epic of the struggles of Kin Shi Tal agents against the demented and wickedly cheap rates of other long distance carriers!” He balled up the 400 pages before him and yelled out, “Hey Velgut, go long!” Velgut took off running down the field and caught the wad of poetry before tromping into the end zone and the cheerleaders went wild. Velgut read one of the lines of poetry and realized it stank like a mildewed chainsaw bolt. He whipped out his dagger and threw it, hitting the epic author in the pinky, instantly killing him. Another Kin Shi Tal agent stood up and said “I’ve been taking personality classes for six months and I can’t even pick up a beer at a bar!” Two more agents tackled him and proceeded to beat the living crud out of him. An all out brawl started at the line of scrimmage. One of the cheerleader’s heads magically shot off her dandruff infested shoulders and flew over the goal post on a broom. “Field goal! It’s a sweep!” called a ref. The amateur professional junior freshman varsity coach just chomped on his cigar, “The alumni will kill me if we do this at the Bowl game.” Hearing the mention of a bowl made Velgut remember that he needed to buy a spoon, so he ran off to the store burping and scratching his knee at the same time.

By: Diaper Dandy

Velgut quickly stormed into the silverware shop across the street from the post office. He ran up to the counter to order a spoon, but the clerk was negotiating with Little Red Riding Hood over the price of a butter knife. Velgut ran back across the street to the post office across the street just when a post officer was coming out with his mailbag. Velgut whipped out a spear from under his raincoat and yelled “Ooga-boogazan!” and started doing a subHimalayan-Malaysian rain dance circle around the male-mailman. He then jabbed the letter carrier in the derriere with the spear. Following a loud “boink!”, the mail man went flying into the air. Velgut grabbed the mail bag and ran back into the silverware shop. He swung the bag, decapitating Little Red Riding Hood and stole her butterknife. He then jumped out the window where the three bears were waiting for him. He threw the butterknife at one, instantly killing him. He reached into the mail bag and pulled out a can of mace, spraying it over a second bear, who start boiling, screaming “I’m melting, I’m melting!” To get away from the third bear, he activated the rocket booster on his spear, launching into space. As he passed the moon, he saw the still flying post man splat on the Lunace Decaprytatus crater. Two guys stood on the sidewalk watching it all. One turned and said to the other, “Dude, the dudes didn’t tell us dudes could do that in dude personality class.”

By: Spoonman

One of the dudes on the sidewalk, Bill Brooder, punched the other dude for having no personality. He then walked into a bar called the Balance. He thought the Balance was a really stupid name for a bar. No drunk ever has good equilibrium. Bill walked up to the bar and ordered a cup of hot chocolate. The bartendar, Ted Sashastrovinski, gave him one. Bill introduced himself “Hi Ted! I’m Bill.” Ted shook his hand. “Good to meet you dude! You’re going to spill it on yourself, but how’s the hot chocolate?” Bill smiled. “It’s the best hot chocolate ever dude! By the way, do you have something I can stir it with?” Ted shook his head. “There is no spoon.” Bill gazed at Ted queerly. “Don’t you mean there are no spoons?” Ted nodded, “Yeah, my grammars been bad since I’ve been spending too much time in, er, on this big computer I hate, ah, work with. Grammar’s been bad ever since the phone booth incident. But no, we don’t have any spoons, they’ve all been stolen.” Bill frowned, right when a mysterious figure entered the room. Ted stood up. “So we meet again, super duper spoon thief! I won’t be so easy to beat this time!” The super duper spoon thief laughed. “I would have been by sooner but I’ve been busy with college exams-but now I’m back!” Bill and Ted high fived each other. Ted yelled “Excellent!” Bill spilled the hot chocolate on himself, wondering if he wouldn’t have done it if Ted hadn’t have said something.

By: Bogus

Bill crossed his arms and said, "I'm not really in the mood to write a streaming story today. I might send one in next week."

By: Bill

Bill punched Ted for his short story.

By: Ted

As everyone was sitting around bored, waiting for anything to happen from anyone, some guy named Slosh walked in and started using the pinball machine in the back. By: Taj
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                                Chronology|Streaming Story|