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This section details the story making rules, how to play the game, how to make your character, how to sign up, and how to play the other site game "Streaming Story".

  • How to Play
  • Character Form
  • Story Rules
  • Streaming Story Rules
  • Bottom of Page
  • How to Play

    1.The first thing you need to play is a character to use in the game. Here is the criteria you must follow to make your character:
  • E-mail-
  • Character Name-
  • Character age-
  • Character height-
  • Character weight-
  • Eye color-
  • Hair color-
  • Occupation-
  • Clan (If occupation is clansman)-
  • 3 dislikes-
  • Character history-

  • Character personality-

    If you are not sure how to fill out the character information, then take a look at this sample I did:

  • E-mail-
  • Character Name- John
  • Character age- 21
  • Character height- 5' 4"
  • Character weight- 160 lbs.
  • Eye color- Brown
  • Hair color- Black
  • Occupation- Clansman
  • Clan (If occupation is clansman)- Sword's Edge
  • 3 likes- Eating, knowledge, and the night.
  • 3 dislikes- Dancing, small towns, and animals.
  • Character history-John grew up as an only child in the town of Regan. He had a very boring life and wanted more so he went seeking his fortune out into the world. Along the way on his quest he ran into animals frequently. Animals never seemed to like him so he grew to hate them. His philosophy became "the only good animal is a dead one so I can eat it." John ended up joining the Sword's Edge clan at 18 and has been there ever since. He was lured by tales of adventure and excitement.

  • Character personality- John is a very excitable person since he grew up in a small, boring town. Everything is new to him and he is anxious to see the world and learn a lot about it. He seems to like anyone that can teach or show him something new. He is a bit too trusting and niave at times but his high- spirited personality allows most people to like him but he hates for people not to like him. John also likes kids because many times they are as high-spirited and excitable as him.

    If you are unsure about other occupations, here is a short list:

    1. Shopkeeper
    2. Inn keeper
    3. Farmer
    4. Mayor
    5. Villager
    6. Clansman
    7. Blacksmith
    8. Freelance salesman
    9. Drug dealer

    These are just suggestions. Many other occupations are availabe.

    2.Character guidelines- There are a few rules when making your character. First of all, don't have anything vulgar in your character name or description. Second, don't make your character a copy of another character. Make them original. Don't take characters from outside sources like: comic books, video games, magazines, movies, TV, or music.
    Third, you must have a valid e-mail address. Fourth, you must fill out all areas competely. And last you must answer these three questions correctly-

    1. What day is the chronology up to?
    2. Who is the leader of the Reflectionists clan?
    3. What is the Maximum story length?

    Then after getting all this info. email it to me at I will send you an answer promptly that you are in the game or you can look at the announcements section of the site. An alternative is to just fill out this form and submit it:
    Just remember that you still need to read the rules.

    3.After submitting your character you are ready to play the main game. If you wish to play the other "Streaming Story" game then see the bottom of this site. The players get a turn in a rotation of all the people currently signed up to play. And from time to time I will write a story. Every 4 days a new person will get to write a story and then the next person until everybody has gotten a turn then it will repeat. Each person gets 4 days to respond to an e-mail sent by me informing them of their turn and how many days they have. If a person misses the deadline they will be skipped. If a person misses two consecutive turns they will be dismissed from the game. Also remember what kind of world Monic is to help make your character and you need to read the rest of the site anyway for detailed information about the world.

    Story Rules

    1.First of all:
  • No Profanity
  • No Explicit Nudity
  • No Explicit Sex
  • No Explicist vulgarity
  • No Discrimination not pertaining SPECIFICALLY to stories
  • No improper stories or attitudes will be tolerated

    2.Second, the stories need to make sense and coincide with the other people's stories in the sense of time, place, and people. Make sure it makes sense and matches. If you wish to write a story about your character or someone in the past then state that you are doing this.

    3.Third, the history is a tool to help build upon and help the stories by giving background. It must not be changed but you can add onto it or write an event in-between. Nothing outrageous like a total change of character, your character should follow the guidelines you set for them.

    4.Fourth, no god-like characters or guys that gain super power in a short period of time. They are no fun to play with.

    5.Fifth, remember the focus of this game is not fighting but creativity and you don't need to be the greatest fighter in the world to win this game. Everybody’s goal should be to write a good and interesting story, whether or not your guy gets beat, killed, wins, or whatever.

    6.Sixth, if you have a new idea for the clan information, the history, or any other things on this site then please e-mail them to me and I shall look over them.

    7.Seventh, sorry you cannot make your own clan, only character because of certain reasons I have.

    8.Eigth, if you write about someone else's character please keep them in character and if you do kill them, have it make sense.

    9.Ninth, I will only post one story at a time and when it is your turn you will have four days to respond. I will tell you when it is your turn by e-mail. Then you will know.

    10.Tenth, the maximum story length is around 750 words (If it goes over within reason, I won't mind).

    11.Eleventh, the minimum story length is about 375 words.

    12.Twelth, please include a story title for each of your stories.

    13.Thirteenth, specify the day number for your stories, locations, and specific town names (You should include the year also if your story is set in the past). Please try to include names and descriptions for most of the characters presented.

    14.Finally, no story can go over 3 days in the passage of time.

    me with any questions!!!

    Streaming Story Rules

    Another game on the site is called "Streaming Story" which is based on the old game. Using the old characters and story of the old game you write a story to keep the plot flowing. There really isn't any rules to this story game except these:
    1. Nothing too vulgar or distasteful in the stories.
    2. You must edit your own stories because all I am going to do is copy and paste them to the page without any editing.
    3. Supply a name to be put on the story to tell who wrote it.
    4. Only one story gets posted at a time and the first person who sends it in gets theirs posted.
    5. Remember this game, its info, and the stories have nothing to do with the other game.
    6. Anyone can participate in this game. You don't need to sign up, just submit a story.

    Other than that anything goes! You can write just about anything you want for the story, so go for it!

                          Announcements|History of Monic|Main Page|
                      Clans|Old Map of Monic|Rules and How-to Play|
        Old Chronology|Other Info.|Main Story Page|     
                               Current Characters|Map of Monic|
                                    Chronology|Streaming Story|