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Welcome to the New Chronology section of the page which gives information on the major events in the new game that have happened thus far. I made it to help keep old and new players up to date on things happening in the ever changing world of Monic. The events are listed in order of date. Monic's only real dating system aside from the year is the day. Keeping in mind that there is 365 days in a year then each day has a number and that is all. The information in parentheses is the story number in what order they were sent in. If you wish to see the original story then just click on the link to the corresponding story.

1945 Day 144

  • The Beginning from the End-The story opener to the new site telling about how Hyru typically starts his day.

    1945 Day 146

  • Intro Esimed-Esimed's intro story.

    1945 Day 147

  • A Toll of a Stroll-Velgut goes to the town of Regan and finds it destroyed.
  • Torrent-Torrent carries out a mission and institutes some Spyre justice.
  • A Lesson-Geist is told the true history of the Sword's Edge.
  • The Shadow and the Spyre-Esimed spends a night at the serving girl's, named Beth Rose, house. He soon discovers she is the sister to the 2nd in command of the Shadow-Tal Resistance, Ashdon Rose.

    1945 Day 148

  • Overlooking Regan-Velgut takes one last look at Regan and then finds out the demise of his friend Liam.
  • Givers of Law-Torrent discusses his actions on his latest mission to his superior. Then he gets sent on a mission to Regan.
  • Another Lesson-Geist is given final words by a mysterious robed man and a sword. With that he leaves the Sword's Edge base.
  • Past Reviled-Esimed finds himself at the Shadow-Tal's main base where his true past is revealed.

    1945 Day 149

  • Gains of the Resistance-My update that tells of some findings on the Island of Kinshou.
  • Ministering the Minstrel-Velgut runs into an old friend of his that tells him of a special proposition at Regan.

    1945 Day 150

  • The Foragers-Torrent leads his band of Spyre Stealth Corps to Ralla but finds a group called the Foragers at the town of Regan.
  • Vandalism for Fun and Profit-Geist causes mayhem in a Hyru loyal town and then keeps on traveling.
  • Seeking Destruction for Balance-A man named Shio arrives near New Rolin City on a mission...
  • Singing in the Pain-Velgut discovers his friend is running a resistance against Hyru that is different from other resistances.
  • Foresight-Torrent gets the purple orb and sees a riot in Ralla through a strange vision.

    1945 Day 151

  • Questions-Geist finds himself a free room at an Inn in Hakido city.
  • Hindsight-Velgut figures out where the orb has gone and decides to head back to Ralla.
  • Cruelty, Compassion, and Naivete- Torrent goes Northwest and ends up in a strange city. He ends up getting knocked out and then nursed back to health by a townsperson. This story also goes into day 152.

    1945 Day 152

  • Hammering of the Blacksmith-Velgut runs into his friend Nashgoln and his really old friend, Hogran.

    1945 Day 153

  • Employment-Geist finally gets a job in Hakido City.
  • Missions and Motives-Torrent escapes Ablan city and heads to Vent on day 154. He joins a Spyre group fighting Shadow-Tal agents in the Swamps of Soun.

    1945 Day 154

  • Encounter in the Pub-Juk finds trouble in a pub.

    1945 Day 155

  • Trust-Esimed volunteers to help Ashdon rescue some Shadow-Tal members trapped in the Swamps of Soun.
  • The Truth Of It All-Hyru tells General Vira of his thoughts on the world.
  • Dreams of days long past-Geist travels to New Rolin City and dreams of the Sword's Edge past.

    1945 Day 156

  • The Path to Going Home-Esimed leads a Shadow-Tal party into the Swamps of Soun.
  • Bonding-Esimed and the Shadow-Tal stay at Esimed's old village.
  • The Forest for the Trees-Velgut and Nashgoln take Hogran through the forest.
  • Monster-Torrent and other Spyre agents take the fort in the Swamps of Soun. Torrent discovers a "false" tattoo of Spyre on Esimed's back.
  • Black Heart-Geist arrives and delivers his package to an unhappy recipient.
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