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Rituals and Holidays


- Day of Awakening- A day when people celebrate the day when people decided laws and the way things were going to be around the world. Also marks the day when forms of karate and fighting were perfected. People spend it with friends and family eating, drinking, and the Kota(ritual sparing). The day that this is celebrated on is Day 30.

Sed.- Meaning the end. The people rejoice and celebrate the end of the Acabodera wars and honor the people that died in them. The day that this is celebrated on is Day 147.


- Gashgin- Challenge to all opposing suitors or challengers to a man or woman's claim on a mate. The two or three fight until all are dead except one or all give up to make one the victor.

Bashin- At a certain time in a man or woman's life they may wish to take a mate. They approach the candidate and declare their love and then if no one calls Gashgin then the two go through Bashin the ritual joining. It is for life and once the opening ceremony begins with the joining mark they must be bonded. If the two become separated before the ceremony ends then they are destined and obligated to come together again and complete the Bashin. One may refuse the declaration of love from the person declaring it but must show reason why they don't want to join, otherwise they will proceed with the ceremony.

Age of Ascension- In a boys life he eventually grows up to reach this age and must leave boyhood behind and progress into a man. He goes off on his own with meager weapons and supplies into the wilderness. They must then spend 7 days and nights alone and when they return to their village a man they must bring back proof of their manhood. The fang of the Foustine, a great wolf like beast about the size of a bear but much more menacing. This fierce creature rarely attacks when there are more than one in a group but, if there is only one then the creature is sure to come out from hiding and attack. The meat of the Foustine must not be eaten no matter how it is prepared for it is poisoned.

Other Info

Monic's writing system of course is different from our own. Because of the way it developed it doesn't look as modern, refined, or as dynamic as earth's english alphabet. It developed from the early people making noises with their voices to produce different sounds. After awhile people used those sounds and combinations of 2-5 sounds to represent things in their world. From this early beginning the ancient Monic language developed. After sometime of development the people assigned various symbols to represent the different sounds. The symbols are similar to pictography or cuneiform. The symbols are always composed of four lines: three of which are of equal length, one half as short as one of the others, and they are always connected together in some way. The people arranged these lines into sort of pictures of things in their world that seemed to make these sounds. Some are very evident and some seem different to how we percieve them. But whatever the case that is how the writing system and language came about. Here is a list of all the symbols, the sound it makes, and what it represents:

Symbol Sound Object it Represents
Th Fire
W Wind
B Rock Slide
Z *Za
G Foustine
S Water
P **Pag
A Breathing
N Fist hitting wall
D 2 Pieces of Metal hitting each other
C Lightning
R Box falling apart
L Tongue on roof of mouth
T Feet hitting floor
O ***Orn

*Za- A Za is the name for an insect living on Monic that is similar to a bee in that it makes a buzzing like sound. The Za is about the size of a man's fist and its stinger on the end of its body is used to stun a target. The poison in the stinger is only used when the Za is about to lay its eggs. It then finds a target and stings it (usually a large animal, even a human). The poison is very powerful and can stun the target for several weeks maybe even up to a month. It only takes a week for the eggs that are layed on the animal to hatch and the larva eat the animal for its food. The Za dies as soon as it stings its target.

**Pag- The name for a cat like animal on Monic that is extremely tame unless it is hungry. It then goes on a hunting rampage until it finds food. It makes a purring sound after eating.

***Orn- The name for a bird on Monic that makes a who-ing sound with its voice much like an owl.

Even though there are only 15 sounds in the Monic alphabet many are used to represent similar sounds in our alphabet. It all depends on what other sounds follow it and how you pronounce it. If you stress sounds of one word differently then it could mean something different. An accent mark is used to show which sound needs to be stressed. It is the size of the short line and it isn't connected to the others. It looks like this= " / ". The only other punctuation that is used is a mark that shows division of words since Monic writing usually has no spacing= " \ " and a symbol to show the end of a sentence or thought= " | ".

Weather- The weather is much like ours with rain, snow, sleet, hail, sunny days, thunderstorms, and other such similar occurrences. Except that on one day in a year, one random day fire rain, fireballs of different size, and other such things rain down onto the planet. This occurrence is unexplained as of yet. (The players should decide when this day shall be. Remember it only happens once a year and for one day)

Hyru's Changes

Hyru had always been obsessed with power and getting it. After Hyru got all the power he could, his new obsession was to keep power. Hyru killed many people, destroyed clans, enforced laws, built a mighty fortress, and obtained Spyre to be his clan to keep his power. But even after all this Hyru was not satisfied. So he created two things around his island fortress to help protect himself (In 1825).
The first was a mythical creature that existed only in stories. With the "Omni Gem" he made this monster and put it in the Ocean to patrol the western shorline of his island. This monster was called The Stint. The Stint is about the size of several large ships. It has large powerful jaws that can crush the strongest metal. The Stint has no known weakness, is extremely fast at swimming, and has amazing vision that allows it to see in pitch black and in daylight at a distance of at least several miles. Nobody has ever seen the monster and lived to tell exactly what it looks or sounds like.

The other thing Hyru created was a large whirlpool he called The Whirlpool of Talaloc. The whirlpool is so large it completely protects the whole northern side of Hyru's island. It pulls anything that wanders to close to it inside and under the water, smashing ships to pieces and drowning people. And no animal has ever survived the whirlpool except the Stint.

Hyru's Laws

Hyru also made many laws in the year 1824 A.A. to have even more control over the people. Here is the list of his laws:

  1. All people passing near one of Hyru's shrines must pay homage.
  2. Nothing can stand taller than any of Hyru's statues in the statue's given area.
  3. Hyru's name cannot be taken in vain.
  4. All other religions besides Hyru's are forbidden.
  5. Hyru's shrines and statues cannot be desecrated.
  6. The people cannot have any other gods besides Hyru.
  7. Reading anything besides the book of Hyru is forbidden.
  8. No citizen of Hyru's can talk ill of him or his clan.
  9. No one can steal from Hyru.
  10. All the women of Monic must give their first born child to Hyru to do with as he pleases.
  11. Everyone must pay a tax to Hyru once a week for the benefit of his rule.
  12. All businesses and moneymaking ventures must pay Hyru 20% of their profits.
  13. All citizens of Hyru must allow his Spyre agents to do as they please without objection.
  14. No one can harm a person under Hyru's command.
  15. No one person can attain a sum of talics over the number of 1,000,000.
  16. Hyru's word must also be followed as unwritten law.

All of these laws must be followed or risk punishment by life imprisonment or the maximum penalty of death.

The Book of Hyru

After the making of Hyru's laws he made a book all Monic people must have and abide by. It is called the "Book of Hyru" and essentially it is the religious text all Monic people must have and abide by. Contained within the book are these things:

  • The laws of Hyru and details about them
  • How to praise Hyru
  • Location of all Hyru's shrines
  • Religious beliefs to follow Hyru with

    Planet Changes

    In the year 1819 after Hyru had power he made many changes to the planet Monic. First Hyru denounced all the state names and borders changing them to four states with different borders named: Kali (named after Hyru's mother), Songhi (named after Hyru's father), Xerixes (meaning Hyru is god), and Mankoyt (a combination of the two old states Manto & Oykot). The state borders were also changed to help give Hyru more control. Also with Hyru's destruction of Kinshou and other manipulation with the "Omni Gem" the planet's climate has changed in different areas and the water level has risen on all land masses.

    Hyru also seperated the old state Manto using the "Omni Gem" and named it his island which is where he built his fortress. Hyru's fortress is located high in the mountians on his island. On Hyru's island is wilderness with many powerful creatures roaming around. Hyru stays in his fortress most of the time watching his people from above. Only five Spyre agents are with him in his fortress. They serve as generals to each of the Spyre corps. and also as his personal advisers. At the Spyre base is a magical communicator that is used by Spyre to talk with Hyru.

    The only safe way to get to Hyru's island is to request permission to speak with him personally using the communicator but rarely does he bring anybody. If Hyru does then he uses the "Omni Gem" to teleport them to his fortress. Otherwise it is next to impossible to get to his fortress.

    To see a picture of the new map click here.

    Animals- Animals on this planet are comparable to ours. There are a few different ones. (e.g. Foustine)
    Two Moons- The planet has one sun and two moons. But with Hyru's climate and planet changes the moons create blackouts blocking the sun at several random times each year, lasting 2 days at the most.

    The Old Planet- The old planet Monic consisted of one large continent called Anihc on the western hemisphere and on the eastern were two large islands called Kinshou and Tanaka in that order from north to south. The ocean of Lensk covers all of the planet outside of the land. There are still undiscovered lands in the new planet although Hyru knows them all. The continent of Anihc was divided up into states that were named in the order from north to south as follows: Manto, Oykot, Dunnhizigyz, Hakido, Shokoca, and Seco. The only really larger mountains were in Manto known as the Manto Mountain range.

    To see a picture of the old map click here.

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