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Welcome to the Chronology section of the page which gives information on the major events in the game that has happened thus far. I made it to help keep old and new players up to date on things happening in the world of Monic. The events are listed in order of date. Monic's only real dating system aside from the year is the day. Keeping in mind that there is 365 days in a year then each day has a number and that is all. The information in parentheses is the story number in what order they were sent in. If you wish to see the original story then just click on the link to the corresponding story.

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1800 Day 1

  • (story opener)Rumors of the Omni Gem being found by an old man somewhere spread. The different clans dispatch members to investigate.

    1800 Day 2

  • (story 2)Gowri Gabrieve of the Shadow introduced. He recieves a letter from mayor of Peres requesting his help. Men with broadswords show up at his house at this time looking around. Gowri hides in shadows.
  • (story 3)Demise, Lanum, and other agents of Spyre look around Gowri Gabrieve's house. The agents of Spyre fight Gowri but he escapes after killing a few agents. A man is seen hiding in shadows watching the fight that looks like Demise.
  • (story 4)The man hiding in the shadows is reveiled as Sorrow, Demise's twin brother.
  • (story 5)Corbane of the Kin Shi Tal is introduced.
  • (story 6)AtomFlail of the Shadow is introduced. He saves a girl from some thieves in his forest. Den of Souls members approach him.
  • (story 10)Panther leader of Shadow appears and saves AtomFlail from the Den of Souls clan members.
  • (story 14)AtomFlail is granted use of new powers from Panther and goes into forest and trains for days. He marries girl he saved earlier. Finds out about Talon's Death on day 4.

    1800 Day 3

  • (story update 2)Hyru of Shadow introduced as a man that leaves Shadow to start own clan. He steals secrets' of Shadow and abuses the forbidden secret's of the Tizans. [*Note: The Tizan's are only known by the members of the Shadow and nothing is to be written about it unless reveiled in this chronology or in a story by one of the Shadow clan members.]

    1800 Day 4

  • (story 1)Talon and Kurt of Sword's Edge sent out to search for Omni Gem. They find a shack and Kurt is killed by someone in the shack.
  • (story 7)Talon Kills old woman for killing Kurt. He does this on accident. Old man sees this and Talon runs away. Talon insults Ultimate- Zero of Spyre. Talon climbs to a tree and sees....
  • (story 8)Demise is called by Spyre and told to kill Ultimate-Zero for leaving the clan. Demise finds old shack where Talon and Kurt were. Demise finds a strange key inside and keeps it. Demise kills Corbane. Ultimate- Zero is found and allowed to live by Spyre.
  • (story 9)Ultimate-Zero is killed by someone.
  • (story 11)Talon sees....Ultimate-Zero killed. Talon sees Demise and follows him to Karnough city only to be captured by Hyru. Demise and Talon are both captive by Hyru and given the option to either answer his questions or die.
  • (story 12)Gowri Gabrieve fights Spyre agents in town of Peres.
  • (story 13)Demise and Talon are saved by Demise's brother Sorrow. Find out that Sorrow is a mage. Hyru kills Talon during the escape.

    1800 Day 5

  • (story 15)Nick Swindle of the Reflectionists clan introduced. He swindles the people of Rolin City and heads toward Peres. Gets a Gold sword from Rolin City before he leaves.
  • (story 16)Sorrow, Demise, and Spyre members pillage Rolin City and then destroy it. They then head towards Peres.
  • (story 17)AtomFlail hears of Nick Swindle and goes to find and kill him.
  • (story 18)Xara of Twin moons Clan introduced. Her and other members of the clan look around Shokoca for the Shadow. They get ambushed and Xara gets knocked out.
  • (story 19)Nick Swindle goes to Peres during a Spyre raid and meets Demise and Sorrow. He then tricks Sorrow into using a golden sword which takes all his magic powers away. Nick Swindle then escapes with the sword. Demise kills Gowri Gabrieve.
  • (story 20)Nick Swindle leaves a city. Sorrow and Demise goto this city and get golden sword containing Sorrow's powers.

    1800 Day 6

  • (story update 3)Man with a tatoe of a Z on his left shoulder and a tatoe of the Kin Shi Tal on his right shoulder stumbles into town of Sinj. Members of the Reflectionists clan take him in. [*Note: This story is meant to be followed up by members of the Kin Shi Tal.]
  • (story update 4)Undisclosed clan sends in a member to infiltrate the Kin Shi Tal base. [*Note: This story was written for anybody to follow it up. The person and clan that did is Demise in Spyre.]
  • (story 21)AtomFlail discovers his clan's plan (Shadow) to wage war against Twin Moons interlopers. AtomFlail refuses and decides to take on other problems. Namely the Twins Demise and Sorrow of Spyre.
  • (story 22) EnRico Rico of the Kin Shi Tal introduced.
  • (story 23) Xara wakes up to find herself captive in the clan 'the Shadow's' Dungeon. She escapes due to her clan (Twin Moons) attacking the base. She gets caught during her escape in a room with a trap in it and......
  • (story 27)Xara of Twin Moons gets freed from the trap with the help of AtomFlail of the Shadow. AtomFlail leaves her a note telling her to either stop the war between the Shadow and Twin Moons clan or else die.
  • (story 28) Xara of Twin Moons have ended the war between The Shadow and her clan. But as she begins to leave she is killed by The Shadow clansmen.

    1800 Day 7

  • (story 24) Kilana of Reflectionists introduced and sent on training mission.
  • (story 25) Nick Swindle swindles a boat from Demise's friend Franger and while sailing gets shipwrecked on an island.
  • (story update 5)Find out that Hyru caused the war between the Shadow and Twin Moons for his own personal gain (the keys that the Shadow has). He is also using Franger of Spyre to get information by holding his wife captive. Also find out that Hyru is somehow using the Stone of Goth to predict the future and has plans to get Nick Swindle to get the Scroll of Sangora for him from the Sword's Edge clan.
  • (story 29) Chan Lao of Sword's Edge convinces Franger to distract Hyru so that he can kill Hyru and end his evil intentions once and for all. Chan Lao gets ready to fire his crossbow at Hyru as Franger distracts him and then.........
  • (story 33) Jadax goes to find Franger and sees him with Hyru and a stranger in the bushes (Chan Lao). Hyru escapes death, knocks out Chan Lao, and then leaves. Jadax goes with Franger back to Spyre and tells him of Hyru's plans. Jadax goes to get Nick Swindle from the Seco beaches on day 9. Jadax finds Nick and gives him the option to either help Spyre or die.
  • (story 26) Demise comes with Sorrow to meet Franger and finding out about Nick Swindle's swindle decides instead to go find the Spyre agent who was going to infultrate the Kin Shi Tal. The agent is killed and Either Demise or Franger must take his place.

    1800 Day 8

  • (story 30) Nick Swindle finds himself shipwrecked on the Island of Tanaka. He finds out that his dad, George Swindle, is the leader of the resident clan on the island, the Blood of gods. George apparently swindled his way into the clan and swindle's his own son out of his gold. Nick leaves the island the next day hoping to see his dad again.
  • (story 31) Demise influtrates the Kin Shi Tal base and is discovered by the clan. The leader Kinshiro makes a deal with Demise that he would let him go and teach him the secret of the gold sword if Demise would help get his daughter back from Hyru who kidnapped her.
  • (story 32) Demise, Franger, and the Kin Shi Tal are having a meeting with Kinshiro and AtomFlail interrupts it. AtomFlail offers his service to help stop the Twin Moons clan and other incidents. But AtomFlail does not want Kinshiro to give Demise the secret of the gold sword.
  • (story 36)Kinshiro leader of the Kin Shi Tal gives Demise the secret of the gold sword to get Sorrow's powers back. AtomFlail is upset by this and vows to kill Sorrow if he does get his powers back.

    1800 Day 9

  • (story update 6) A man named Citange from the clan Hurricane's Eye, thought to have perished during the Acabodera Wars, appears in the town of Kamen. Citange kills five Shadow warriors and then leaves the town. The clan Hurricane's Eye was known for its super huge and strong warriors. They had also a strange ability to control the flow of adrenaline in their bodies by pure thought, making them even more powerful. (Their bodies were tough enough to withstand the constant presence of adrenaline.)
  • (story 34) Tse Cheung of the Shadow is told by the wisemen that he lives with about Citange and how he was imprisoned during the Acabodera wars. After finding out this Tse leaves (without listening to the wisemen's warnings) the church, bound and determined to destroy Citange.
  • (story 38) Tse Cheung goes to town of Dinang, hoping to find information on how to defeat the Hurricane's Eye clan. Tse discovers an entrance into one of the Hurricane's Eye clan shrines and kills a demon to gain access.
  • (story 35) Nick Swindle decides to go along with Jadax for now. They head North in Dunnhizigyz and find themselves in the area of the Manotic Order clan. They spend the night in the forest and on day 10 Nick disguises himself as a member of the Manotic Order. Jadax gets mad but is stopped from killing Nick by 8 Manotic Order members. Nick gets away and Jadax is taken to the clan leader who was giving a speech to 150 people. Jadax is then given the choice to either join their clan or die.

    1800 Day 10

  • (story update 7) The wiseman Ezra from Tse Cheung's church reads a scroll telling the sad story of the Acabodera Wars, and what the Hurricane's Eye clan had to do with it.
  • (story 37) Jadax escapes from the Manotic Order, killing their leader and then he runs into Demise and Sorrow. Jadax gives Sorrow three drops of blood from his sword that he hit Swindle with and Sorrow gets his powers back.
  • (story 39)AtomFlail converses with a fellow Shadow member about how he gave Demise and Sorrow a fake gold sword and made them think they got Sorrow's powers back. AtomFlail then reviels that he has the real sword.
  • (story 40)Hyru spends days on end looking into the Stone of Goth to the point of obsession. He sees a horrible event that terrifies him. Meanwhile Nick Swindle is enjoying an eclipse party in the town of Kaska when Barry Smith confronts Nick, but Nick escapes tricking Barry again.
  • (story update 8)Enrico Rico has a nightmare within a nightmare and then wakes up. Kinshiro gives him a mission and then Enrico leaves to go on the mission.
  • (story 41)Sorrow finds he has been tricked and doesn't have his powers back. Sorrow then makes the decision to leave Demise to do something important alone.
  • (story 42)Jadax leaves Demise and Sorrow only to be pursued by agents from Hyru with orders to kill him. Jadax kills one and escapes to a town where The Manotic Order and Spyre are engaged in battle. Jadax finds an ax and gets ready to fight the other agents of Hyru.
  • (story update 9)A new character by the name of Mr. Zochi is introduced. He is the richest on Monic and has began a plan to put order on Monic by contructing prisons. Mr. Zochi has other plans as well but in end sees himself as becoming the controler of all Monic.
  • (story 43)Nick Swindle is captured by some unkown people. Hyru sees that his plan is coming into focus and that he will soon have the scroll of Sangora. Hyru continues asking the Stone of Goth questions.
  • (story 45)Jadax fights the agent of Hyru and when the agent shoots a fireball at him, Jadax absorbes it and fires it right back (a trick he learned from a wiseman). Jadax then leaves the town and heads west.
  • (story 48)Jadax after his short trip finds himself in an empty town. After thinking awhile he figures out an old riddle told to him while he was in Spyre and decides to head North and check out his hunch.
  • (Story 60)Plum of the Great Sentients clan introduced.
  • (Story 64)Plum wakes up to find herself the guest of a man who wants to know about "The Beloved".
  • (story 44)Demise is confronted by the Kin Shi Tal to complete his mission to save Kinshiro's daughter, but due to Spyre ordering all agents to hold their positions during the eclipse, Demise refuses and sends the Kin Shi Tal away while he got some sleep.
  • (story 46)Nick Swindle finds out that he has been captured by the Manotic Order along with several Reflectionists members, one of which is the woman named Kilana. Also Enrico Rico of the Kin Shi Tal sent on a training mission is with them. They are then tied to polls in a courtyard and getting ready to be burned at the stake for not listening to the Man's word.

    1800 Day 12

  • (story 47)Sorrow continues on his journey to find his "ace" and ends up, after several days, at the house were he grew up. He fights off some members of the Manotic order from his house and then tries to get help from his family members. They turn their backs on him saying that he lost the family power and left the family.
  • (story 49)Gorgio W'Tcaps of the Shadow clan introduced.
  • (story 50)The Kin Shi Tal rescue Nick Swindle, Enrico Rico, and the other Reflectionists members from the Manotic order. Meanwhile at the Kin Shi Tal base they were taken to Nick Swindle gets back Golden Sword with Sorrow's powers in it. Then a man named Goddard from Hyru steals the sword and gets Sorrow's powers. Goddard then uses the powers to get the Scroll of Sangora and then leaves to give Hyru the scroll.
  • (story 51)After several days Jadax gets close to Hyru's base. Hyru has more visions in the Stone of Goth.
  • (story 52)Sorrow finds his family again and pleads with them to help him and in return he says he will help them.
  • (story 53)The Den of Souls see the Sword's Edge dojo explode in a magic cystal but are interrupted by Citange bursting into their clan base and killing several Den of Souls members. Nick awakens to find he is not dead but was nursed back to health by Kilana.

    1800 Day 13

  • (story 54)Jadax is seen "killing" his brother in the past. In the present Jadax sees Hyru and steals three keys from him. Later on he is called by Spyre to be a witness at Demise's trial.
  • (Story update 10)Demise is captured and taken to see Spyre and stand trial for crimes he has commited.
  • (Story update 11)Demise's trial continues.
  • (story 55) Rodan of the Shadow clan introduced.
  • (Story update 12)Demise's trial is concluded.
  • (story 56) Nick is awakened by the sounds of fighting between the Kin Shi Tal and Citange. Enrico Rico runs away. Kilana and Nick escape to a town where Kilana declares Bashin over Nick.
  • (story 57) Demise's execution is carried out but not on Demise...... The end of this story spans into day 14.

    1800 Day 14

  • (Story 58) Jadax gets away from the trial, Araz, and then onto a ship sailing Hakido bound.
  • (Story 59) Nick awakens after a day to Talvin treating his wounds. Kilana then officially declares Bashin to Talvin in front of Nick and Talvin begins the ceremony.
  • (Story 61) Whirlwind of Spyre introduced.
  • (Story 63) Nick is married to Kilana through the Bashin ceremony. Nick then uses a distraction to escape.
  • (Story 65)Whirlwind tries to escape from the Shadow but because of a wound he has it is very difficult to do.
  • (Story 66)Esimed (Demise) sees Whirlwind but decides not to help him and decides to travel to somewhere else. Ends up in the Swamps of Soun after about a week. (Day 20)
  • (Story 70)Rodan goes to kill a bounty hunter.

    1800 Day 15

  • (Story Update 13)Kinshiro comes to the conclusion that Citange must be stopped and gives out a special order.
  • (Story 68)Nick Swindle, after escaping Kilana and Talvin, ends up in the town of Dinang.
  • (Story 79)Rodan finds the bounty hunter at a hotel in Funji city but decides to wait until the next day to carry out his mission.

    1800 Day 16

  • (Story 86)Rodan makes his move and attacks Sky but ends up getting a fatal wound and passing out.

    1800 Day 17

  • (Story 62)Jadax makes it to West Market of Hakido to find Lonnn but instead finds Araz. Lonnn ends up getting killed and Jadax finds himself locked into a final battle with his brother.
  • (Story 67)Jadax fights Araz and then escapes but leaves a note telling his brother to head west.
  • (Story 71)Artishan of the Kin Shi Tal introduced.
  • (Story 72)Abidar of the Blood of gods introduced.
  • (story 73)Elarian of the Den of Souls introduced.
  • (Story 75)Nick Swindle learns more about the Island of Kinshou and Mr. Zochi. He decides to follow Mr. Zochi's messenger to see if Mr. Zochi is as rich as he says.

    1800 Day 18

  • (Story 76)Jadax gets captured by Mr. Zochi and put in prison for two days. On day 20 he escapes and kills Mr. Zochi with help from his fellow prisoners.
  • (Story 77)Whirlwind of Spyre, captured by agents of the Shadow plans his escape from them.
  • (Story 78)Artishan contines her journey to the Kin Shi Tal city.
  • (Story update 14)My spy parody/cliche story starring Mr. Cain Clawn of the Sword's Edge.
  • (Story update 15)The last part of my parody/cliche story starring Mr. Cain Clawn of the Sword's Edge.
  • (Story 81)Elarian defeats a member of the shadow, steals his soul, and then returns to Den of Soul's Base. He then gives Blaze a mission.

    1800 Day 19

  • (story 74)Terico Jent of the Sword's Edge introduced.
  • (Story 80)Abidar escapes from the Twin Moons clan base with the help of Angefire.

    1800 Day 20

  • (Story 82)Terico Jent awakens to find himself the captive of two unknown men.
  • (Story 83)Esimed learns more about the village he is staying at and how raiders come to steal from the village periodically. Esimed decides the next time the raiders come he would help defend the village.
  • (Story 84)Nick Swindle follows Signus to Jekopolis, a city right next to prison number 1, to discover that Mr. Zochi is dead and that Signus controls everything Mr. Zochi had. Nick fakes his identity to get some of Signus's money only to begin a war by saying a simple comment.
  • (Story 85)Jadax goes to a port town with his new-found friends but finds he is a wanted man and makes his escape from town to town. This story also goes into Days 20-23.
  • (Story 87)Abidar tells his escape story from the Twin Moons base to Angefire. Then Blaze appears, takes the emerald from Abidar that contains George Swindle's soul, and Blaze disappears with it.
  • (Story update 23)Rodan's final tale and story number eight in the final collection of stories.
  • (Story update 24) Whirlwind's final tale and story number nine in the final collection of stories.

    1800 Day 21

  • (Story 88)Terico is taken by his captors to Signus's prison and is left locked up in one of the cells.

    1800 Day 22

  • (Story 90)Nick Swindle escapes from the prison with Araz Firestorm, Valen, and Terico Jent. After escaping they all go their seperate ways. Nick Swindle then makes a final decision to change who he is by sacrificing his life to save Kilana's.
  • (Story update 16)This is my first story in the final few stories that will tie up the sites current story situation. It takes place on days 22 and 26, involving Hyru, Esimed, and the Z tattooed man.
  • (Story update 22)This is the seventh story in the final few stories that will finish up the sites current plotline. It is Abidar's final story.

    1800 Day 23

  • (Story update 27)This is the twelth story in the final few stories and it is Artishan's final tale.

    1800 Day 24

  • (Story update 28)This is story number 13 in the final collection of stories.

    1800 Day 25

  • (Story update 18)This is the first part of Terico's final story and story number 3 in the final few stories of the site. It is also on day 26.
  • (Story update 21)This is Tse Cheung's final story and story number 6 in the final few stories of the site.
  • (Story update 25)This is the first part of Jadax's final story and story number ten in the final collection of stories.
  • (Story update 29)This is story number 14 in the final collection of stories.

    1800 Day 26

  • (Story 89)Esimed trains the men and after several battles gets rid of the raiders but at a cost of many of the villagers' lifes, their home, and a bad wound to himself.
  • (Story update 19)Terico's final tale and story number 4 in the final stories. It also falls on day 27.
  • (Story update 20)Elarian's final tale and story number 5 in the final stories.
  • (Story update 30)Story number 15 in the final collection of stories.

    1800 Day 27

  • (Story update 17)Esimed's final tale and story number 2 in the final stories.
  • (Story update 26) The second part to Jadax's final tale and story number eleven in the final collection of stories.
  • (Story update 31)Story number 16 in the final collection of stories.
  • (Story update 32)The last story in the final collection of stories.
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