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Fanstuffs! I hope everybody loves them as much as I do! As always, newer stuff at th' bottom of th' lists.     


Thank God Christmas only comes once a year

--by Rea

This is a funny, albiet sometimes serious, little fic about Christmas. The boys end up stranded in th' cave over night due to snow, but by th' morning they're not th' only ones who're thankful Christmas only comes once a year.


Robin and Secret-- Cissie and Impulse -- Lobo and Anita

--All by Palla Please

These are all very cute, very short little valentines-day stories, and by th' way I've listed them, you should be able to guess which part is about which characters. You should read them all, in order, cause they have itty-bitty tie-ins.

Have a Merry Christmas

--also by Palla Please

Bart discovers mistletoe!

The Humiliation of Kon-El

--by Kator

This is a funny little thing...all you have to know is that Kon sings Karaoke. 

Cinderella's first Dance

--by The Chosen One

This is cute. I mainly like th' beginning. 

Broken Trust

--by Ari

A story about robin's feelings after Batman betrays his identity. And what he does about it. 

  Fixing Confusion

--By Palla Please

Anita wonders over her date with Lobo. No plot, short, but cute...if you like that kinda thing.

The Next Step

-By Rea

This is th' funniest story I've ever read, which teaches us to never leap to conclusions.

  Family Time

-Also By Rea

The Batclan really puts th' "Fun" back in "Dysfunctional Family" I love this story.

In this fic, Robin Dies! (Sorta)

This falls under one of the seven stages of death: Denial. Robbie's a goner, but th' team wont let him go! With Secret's help they go after him! Let it go...let it go...

-By Genevieve


Cissie and Bart have a little...thing...yeah. It's cute, it's sweet. Gotta love 'em. ^^

-By Sugar Queen Palla Please

  Dear Diary

This was up for a brief 13 hours, but now it's back! I love this little story, it's funny and cute...yup. Gotta love stuff like that

-By Threnody

Wannabe (my teammate)

A song-parody of that wildly popular spice girl song...I was apprehensive when I first saw this, I thought: "Well...that's really lame." But ho! I was wrong! I loved this fic! It was funny! Th' trick is ya gotta picture it in your mind. *note to self* Don't judge a fanfiction by it's title.

Bye Bye Bye

Same story. Also a funny story! I had a hard time not laughing as I envisioned Lobo singing N'Sync...singing anything at all really...

-Both by DJ Comicbook

  YJ verses Predator

Well...I don't know if this was supposed to be a serious piece or not...but it made me laugh. Not in a "My god that's a pathetic attempt" kinda way, but in a "That's some funny shit!" way. Sorry. Younger viewers...right. a "That's some good stuff!" way. There we go. ^^

-Written by Impulse H8er


This is a short little thing that I wrote for Rea's "Drabble" Page. Th' prompt I used was "The Problem with Fraggin' " I hope you like it. Warning: Sappy.

-Written me.

  Secret's Out

Ahh! Robin's Secret has been discovered in th' 100th different way than it really was! I liked this was funny. I love her stories...always so cool...

Playing Patience

A short and slightly disturbing piece involving Batman and th' YJ, but still immensly cool. 

Both by Threnody

  The Best Laid Plans

A cute little story about Young Justice and April Fools' Day. Run. Hide. Run and Hide.

-By talented miss Ari

  Impulse, Lobo, and Mints

Okay, th' title itself should tip you off that this is gonna be one wacked out story. It's really short, but quirky. I love quirky, don' we know it. So quite obviously I loved this story. And it's got Lobo in it. ^^

-By Reana J. Inverse...go Slayers! Woo!

  Waiting is the Hardest Part

Wow. This story is too good. Completely blew me away. Gone wit' th' wind. Whoosh! It was a ER/YJ crossover, but then you kinda lose track of th' ER people...but that's okay. A very powerful story.

-by master Dafnap.

Tough Enough for Young Justice

Hee...very funny. A satire really, but really good. ^^ What would it be like if YJ held auditions? This. And it's not pretty. Not even slightly attractive.

by Jediknightwing...use th' force Luke.

  War Is Hell

Wow...I wrote again. This was inspired by our Recent crossover OWAW, which I wrote about 3 days before our Sept. 11 event. Sorry if it seems distasteful in that respect.

by me

  Ghosts of the Past

A little story about one of Lobo's old rivals. A good read...but you know me, I love anything wit' Lobo in it.

by Impulse H8er

  Meg's B-day

Heh heh...a story for my birthday! Yaaaay! Th' Best present everywhere! If you're not familiar wit' Rae's story "Darkness" or many different Animes, then you wont have any idea who these people are. I should hope you know who Glock, Dixey, Kator, Rae, Meg, Lobo and Klarion are! 

  Wish you Were Here

another cute Lobo/Anita story! I have found another Lobo fan! Yippe! This is a song fic of Anita's thoughts about Lobo's death. *sniff*

  Scenes from a Pennsylvania Bathroom

Lobo    *new* Anita

An ongoing saga, what exactly does YJ do when they think they're not being watched?

all by Raena J. Inverse a/k/a th' girl wit' th' longest signature in history

*new* A new Darkness

Chapters 1-3    Chapters 4-7

-Here it is! Darkness's fic! So now you can all learn about him, so you wont be confused whenever he's mentioned. 'ight?

another by Raena. I hear her signature is getting shorter. ^^




Anita at th' beach


Chibi Justice!


Li'l Lobo and Anita

-Don't worry, they're not in some sappy lovey-dovey pose. I haven't yet reached that level of patheticness yet.


-Don't ask please. Really it was to just test a new type of inking...and I was bored..

Secret with unintentional butterfly wings

A weird little...thing...

  Li'l Bart!

-It's Cute!

Li'l Kon's not as cute as th' first one!


-God I wish it were summer. Bart and th' girls play in th' water!

Bury Me!

-Secret and Lobo bury Kon in th' sand! What fun!

Chibi Bart!

-This is soooooo cute. I normally don't fawn over my own art, it's conceded and sometimes not true, but it's soooooo cute!  A present for Rea!

Chibi Rob!

-Well, this isn't as cute as Impulse, but it's still pretty adorable if you ask me. Another present for Rea! 

Green Lantern Lady and Flash Girl

-I read that 'The New Girls' Fanfiction and was inspired, this is what came out of it. Eh...could be better...but I like FG.

  Chibi Kon!

-The Very last in a series of gifties for Rea. This is kinda cute too I guess.


-Fight boring school projects! Boring school projects breed boredom and boredom spawns crap like this! Right...please....jus'...don' ask...


-Riiiiight. So th' obvious first step here is to find out what drugs it is that I'm apparently on, and stop taking them. If this little piece of crap I didn't feel like dealing with that stuff known in certain circles as "Shading" 

  Good Morning sunshine...

-Uh huh. And this is a little comic...thingie...that I made. I guess it's kinda fun.


-this is an odd little sketch of Secret. It's th' first semi-decent forward-facing pic I've done.


-Just for kicks and giggles, I colored it. And made it a LOT smaller, so you can't see my crappy ink job.

Wonderboy and Supergirl!

-Uh huh, remember that pic of li'l lobo and anita? Well, this is th' same thing, only that one was good, and this I'm sick. Cut me some fraggin' slack.

  Robin as James Bond

-This was for Rea's picture challenges, I kinda like it..


-not th' best picture...but I was drawing on a note card at three I think it's fairly decent


-I like this, I think it's cute. Again, note card, 3 am. Roughly translated down at th' bottom there: Go America!!


Rae's fan char, Darkness! Yes...he does look like Robin...but that's cause he's Robin from another world!


A request from Rae, a pic of Lobo and Anita...I'm not quite sure what she's thanking him for.

  Spoiler Warning!

heh heh...yes it's spoiler...


Yup yup!

*new* New Li'L lobo and a plushie doll

ugh. Someone shoot me. Sappyness over load!

*new* Valkirie

Darkness's team member. Cassie's counterpart.

Those of you who'd like to see more of my art, feel free to bop on over to my art site: Spiced Peaches!


My Fan Chars


First pic of Revolution!

Revolution Protesting against...protesting..

Rev with a funky li'l gun...thing...

Sins of Youth version of Rev

And Another One

Revolution and big arse gun

Jen  standin' an' lookin' cool

Jen wit' a Guitar, for a friend.

Look what happends when you let Bianca design your outfit.


My new fan character, Rival!

  Rival jumping

her and her weaponry

 Rival in a coat

Cool? I think so.

 Neon Rival

This looks like one of those old Private Eye shows...

  Rival in th' shadows.

Her superpower...shadowblending!

  And again.

A better depiction of her power

All by Me!




-This was a gift for me! Thank you thank you!

Secret&Impulse, cartoonie-style! (So cute)

By Stephan Lee

Birthday Presents!

Rival-by Rae

Rival-by Dixey

Rival-by Glockgal

Thank you thank you thank you!

Just Us-by Glockgal

If YJ was a band...^^

