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The Sorcerer's Spell Compendium


In an effort to promote better relations between the various Dragonlance fans out there in Cyberspace, I have decided to create an on-line spell-book. Feel free to email me any spell you find that is interesting or really, really, really cool and I'll add it to the collection. Magical Items and the like are also acceptable. I hope all you renegade sorcerers out there can come up with some tite spells and hopefully, share them with the rest of us.



Created By: Eric Jwo

Casting Time: 15 minutes    3 
Range:        Melee range   2
Duration:     1 minute      2
Area:         Small Group   3
Effect:       Painful (+3)  3
Total:        Resisted     13

If cast correctly by a powerful aeromancer, this spell can prove deadly. Usually this spell comes into effect in a 15' x 15' x 15' cube, affecting up to 4 people max. This spell causes the air in the 15' cube to condense into one area of the cube, causing all in the area of effect to suddebly have the air torn from their lungs. This causes 3 damage to everyone in the area effect. If the spell is used against characters, then a random card from the Fate Deck should be drawn for each character. A card with a white aura means that the character remains conscious, where a card with a black or red aura causes the character to fall unconscious for a number of minutes equal to the card. This spell is also known to cause headaches and nose bleeds in its targets.
If cast at a hero, then each hero affected must succeed in resisting the spell or succumb to unconsciousness for a number of minutes equal to the caster's Intellect score and suffer 3 damage. A hero may also opt to resist the unconsciousness effect spell with a challenging Endurance (Reason) action, but he suffers the 3 damage regardless of his success. If a hero suffers a Mishap, he is unconscious for twice the Reason score of the caster as well as suffer 6 damage.
This spell also has several different effects. Any open flame within the area of effect is instantly put out. Also, if a hero is carrying a bottled item, then draw a random card from the Fate Deck. If the card has a black aura, then the container shatters, spilling its contents everywhere.


Created By: Eric Jwo

Casting Time: Instant        5 
Range:        Melee range    2
Duration:     Instant        1
Area:         Individual     1
Effect:       Hindering (+2) 2
Total:        Resisted      11

Windshear is a powerful developed by a young aeromancer named Jelek. Jelek is a graduate from the Academy of Sorcery. On an eventful day in the Solamnian countryside, this young mage was waylayed by a hostile brigand. While he was armed with his faithful silver dagger, the bandit was armed with a curved long sword and had a longer reach. When Jelek refused to give up his meager purse, the bandit lunged forward with his long sword in an attempt to skewer the mage before he could defend himself. However, Jelek was prepared. Calling upon his extensive magical training in the Academy of Sorcery, Jelek instinctively cast a defensive spell to save himself. A magical wind shot out like a solid spear and struck the bandit with the force of a coming storm. The sharp wind slashed through the bandit's defenses and knocked the sword away. Frightened, the bandit immediantly leapt up and ran away. Windshear forms a spear of solid air that lances out toward an individual. The spell causes 2 damage and also the target to fall back. Falling back amounts to the target losing his next attack. Also, the target must succeed in an average Dexterity (Reason) action or lose any object in his hands that are not strapped on. This last effect occurs even if the target successfully resisted the spell.

If you have any comments on my page, or want to submit stories, ideas, etc., then e-mail me at