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The Sorcerer's Spell Compendium


In an effort to promote better relations between the various Dragonlance fans out there in Cyberspace, I have decided to create an on-line spell-book. Feel free to email me any spell you find that is interesting or really, really, really cool and I'll add it to the collection. Magical Items and the like are also acceptable. I hope all you renegade sorcerers out there can come up with some tite spells and hopefully, share them with the rest of us.


Sword Switch

Created By: Eric Jwo

Casting Time: 1 minute        4
Range:        Melee Range     2
Duration:     Instant         1
Area:         Individual      1
Effect:       Irritating (+1) 1
Total:        (Un)resisted    9

This simple summoner's spell teleports an item from the caster and replaces it with the weapon of the target. For instance, it trades the warrior's long sword of glory for the summoner's dagger. This spell can also be used to send a hazardous object to the target, such a bottle coated with contact poison. However, if the spell is used in this fashion, the target may resist.

If you have any comments on my page, or want to submit stories, ideas, etc., then e-mail me at