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The Sorcerer's Spell Compendium


In an effort to promote better relations between the various Dragonlance fans out there in Cyberspace, I have decided to create an on-line spell-book. Feel free to email me any spell you find that is interesting or really, really, really cool and I'll add it to the collection. Magical Items and the like are also acceptable. I hope all you renegade sorcerers out there can come up with some tite spells and hopefully, share them with the rest of us.

Magical Items

The Kender Luckstone

Many kender have claimed that they have possessed a precious stone of potent power. This stone apparently grants its owner miraculous powers and is highly magical. However, given the kender's propensity for falsehood, many non-kender have discredited the persistent rumors of such a magical stone. The failure of any kender to produce and to demonstrate the abilities of this legendary stone also serves to deter interest in the rumor.
Called the "Luckstone" or the "Kenderstone," this magical stone seems to defy classification. The description varies from owner to owner, and, apparently, every kender alive has possessed the Luckstone some time during their lifetime. Almost all kender claim to have received the Luckstone from their "Uncle Tas."
Brasswell Lightfinger, a kender hero renowned in Hylo, is the only kender who has come forth with any kind of feasible statement concerning the Luckstone. When interviewed by a Keeper of the Word, the adventurous kender commented. "Oh sure, I owned the Kenderstone a while back. My Uncle Tas gave it to me as a present on one of my frequent trips to Hylo. We were visiting my sick Aunt Belinda Taskbreacher when we were ambushed by some lost draconians. Do you want to hear about it? No? All right, well then, what was I talking about? The Kenderstone? Hmm, sounds familiar, didn't my Uncle Tas give it to me after I helped him slay Chaos? Anyways, it's a small orb made of some pretty red rock that I've never seen before. It's about an inch in diameter and it glows eerily in the dark. I once used it to banish a demon back to the Abyss. It was when I was visiting my good friend Palin Majere. Do you know him? He's really famous. Anyways, I gave the Kenderstone away to my cousin Dreyfuss Pussywillow a few years back. Now we had some great adventure . . ." At that point, the Keeper of the Word neglected to take down Brasswell's comments and fled for his life.
Also known as "Uncle Tas' Luckstone," the Luckstone is reputed to have been a fragment of the shattered Graygem. At the conclusion of the Chaos War, when the Graygem shattered, a large piece of the magical artifact fell to Krynn. Uncle Tas, who had decided to leave Krynn to pursue adventure in the Multiverse (according to Brasswell Lightfinger), bequeathed the magical shard to the kender of Krynn. The Luckstone apparent connection with the Graygem explains the variations in the Luckstone's appearance. Descriptions of the Luckstone have varied from a perfect sphere of snow-white marble 1" in diameter to a rough shard of granite 5" long.
After the final battle with Chaos, Uncle Tas presented the kender of Krynn with the Luckstone. The Luckstone now circulates throughout the kender of Krynn, aiding the merry miscreants for as long as they possess the magical stone.
Although many doubt the validity of the existence of the Luckstone, the sheer amount of the reports of the Luckstone has created some interest. The Herald, a prophetic bard that emerged after the Second Cataclysm, seems to be the only person on Krynn who has any accurate information on the Luckstone. He has mentioned and hinted at the existence and the importance of the Luckstone on several occasions. Many Keepers of the Word have also expressed an interest in the Luckstone and these bards have been tracking the Luckstone's supposed whereabouts. When asked directly about the Luckstone, the Herald only enigmatically replied, "If it is important, it will be made known. The knowledge of a coming storm will not quell the tempest's fury. Watch the skies, my friend, for the coming storm."
Another individual who has expressed an interest in the Luckstone is the famous Palin Majere. He Head of the Academy of Sorcery ha a healthy interest in all rumors of powerful magical artifacts. Intrigued by the legends concerning his late friend, Tasslehoff Burrfoot, as well as the Luckstone's supposed magical powers, Palin has offered to pay adventurers handsomely for any information on the Luckstone.
One other powerful individual is also searching for the Luckstone. Gellidius, the cruel Ice Tyrant of Southern Ergoth, has also heard the many rumors about the Luckstone. Always looking for a way to expand his power by adding a new magical item to his stockpile, this cruel Dragon Overlord has dispatched several parties of draconian minions to search for and to acquire the Luckstone. So far, they have had little luck.

Draconian Scouting Party

  • 3 Baaz. Draconians of various ages, genders, and demeanors, Novices. Co 8, Ph 6, In 6, Es 7, Dmg +6, Def -3, also death throe, glide, and pounce.
  • 1 Bozak. Draconian male, cruel demeanor, Adventurer. Co 6, Ph 6, In 7 (49), Es 7, Dmg +4, Def -4, also death throe, glide, sorcery aeromancy and pyromany), and web.
  • 2 Kapak. Draconians of various ages, genders, and demeanors, Novices. Co 8, Ph 6, in 5, Es 7, Dmg +2, Def -3, also acute senses, death throe, glide, and poison (paralyze).
  • 1 Sivak. Draconian male, sadistic demeanor, Adventurer. Co 10, Ph 12, In 7, Es 7, Dmg +12, Def -5, also alteration (self), dive, death throe, fly, and resistant to magic.

SAGA Rules

The Luckstone has several magical properties. Once per day, the Luckstone can cast a healing spell that restores two cards, or two Physique points to certain individual. The stone also bestows upon the owner a powerful resistance to magic. This amounts to an automatic Trump bonus for resisting sorcery and mysticism spells, whether they are helpful or harmful. This protection lasts as long as the Luckstone is on one's person. Three times per day, the Luckstone can make any one action warrant a Trump bonus regardless of the actual suit of the card played.
The owner of the Luckstone may also blink twice per day like a Ring of Blinking entry (as described in The Last Tower: The Legacy of Raistlin dramatic supplement). Three times per day, the owner of the Luckstone may also cast feather fall like a Ring of Feather Falling (also described in The Last Tower).

AD&D Rules

The Luckstone has several mystical properties. It can cast cure light wounds 1/day. It can also cast blink 2/day and feather fall 3/day on its owner. All of these abilities are cast at 12th level.
The Luckstone also bestows upon its wearer partial magic resistance. As long as the Luckstone is in its owners possession, the owner of the Luckstone has a 30% Magic Resistance Rating. Three times per day, the owner of the Luckstone may also add a +4 bonus to any one saving throw.

Adventure Nuggets

Narrators can use the Luckstone in many ways. The heroes may be on a mission to recover the Luckstone. Palin Majere would promise a great reward to any adventurers who agreed to recover the Luckstone. The heroes may also be sent after the Luckstone by the enigmatic Herald, who has a healthy interest in the stone.
The heroes may also encounter the Luckstone by clashing with the agents of Gellidius the Dragon Overlord. This cruel wyrm's vicious draconian search parties may provide a tough battle for the heroes should the heroes take an interest in whatever their activities.
The Luckstone may also fall into the hands of a kender hero. The Luckstone can serve as a springboard for many adventures involving the owner of the Luckstone, the magical properties of the stone itself, and the various factions interested in the magical artifact.

If you have any comments on my page, or want to submit stories, ideas, etc., then e-mail me at