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The Sorcerer's Spell Compendium


In an effort to promote better relations between the various Dragonlance fans out there in Cyberspace, I have decided to create an on-line spell-book. Feel free to email me any spell you find that is interesting or really, really, really cool and I'll add it to the collection. Magical Items and the like are also acceptable. I hope all you renegade sorcerers out there can come up with some tite spells and hopefully, share them with the rest of us.



Created By: Eric Jwo

Casting Time: 1 minute        4
Range:        Melee           2
Duration:     Instant         1
Area:         Small Group     3
Effect:       Hindering (+2)  2
Total:        Resisted       12

This spell is particularly nasty. When cast, all in its area of effect suffer 2 damage. However, their body temperatures are so reduced by the spell that they suffer 1 damage every minute thereafter until they die or are healed. Heroes targeted by this spell who successfully resisted the spell are chilled but nothing more. This magical frostbite can be healed by simple rest in a warm enviroment, such as bundled in furs next to a blazing fire. Those affected by the spell are icy blue in complexion with their viens dark blue and rising from beneath their clammy skin.

Glacial Lance

Created By:

Casting Time: 1 minute        4
Range:        Near Missile    3
Duration:     1 minute        2
Area:         Individual      1
Effect:       20 damage       5
Total:        Resisted       15
Schools:      Cryomancy/Enchantment

Glacial Lance~ This spell was thought up by Legionnaire Krystallin Krystallos just but a few months ago while adventuring through the New Swamp. Her group was traveling along and encountered a group of Dark Spawn, so to battle them without getting uncomfortably close, Krysta summoned the Lance to pierce their scaly hides and within a short amount of time, her group dispatched the Dark Spawn.
The Lance is designed to double-damage to creatures of fire and one must succeed at an Avg Dx (Ag) action to pierce a target with it.


Created By

Invocation      1 minute     4
Range           Near missile 3
Duration        1 minute     2
Area            Small Group  3
Effect                       2
Total:          Resisted     14

Growing bored with normal cryomancy spells like shooting icicles at people i decided to get a little creative and try a new spell on a small group of dark knights. One second they were standing, the next they are toppled over with the surprising weight atop their heads. This spell creates a very big Ice cube that encases your enemies heads in the cube. The only thing bad about it is that if the victim is a magic user they would be able to summon themselves out of it. It is actually quite funny to see people topple over and smack their heads against the ground when they fall and it cracks the ice a very little bit. It is also very interesting for a kender to watch this trick.

If you have any comments on my page, or want to submit stories, ideas, etc., then e-mail me at