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The Sorcerer's Spell Compendium


In an effort to promote better relations between the various Dragonlance fans out there in Cyberspace, I have decided to create an on-line spell-book. Feel free to email me any spell you find that is interesting or really, really, really cool and I'll add it to the collection. Magical Items and the like are also acceptable. I hope all you renegade sorcerers out there can come up with some tite spells and hopefully, share them with the rest of us.


Phantasmal Terrain

Invocation: 1 minute                 4
Range:      Melee                    2
Area:       Small Room               3
Duration:   30 minutes               4
Effect:     Hindering                2
Total:      Unresisted (see: below) 15

This spell is complex and extremely difficult. Only the strongest and most powerful spectramancer can even attempt to cast this powerful spell. This spell allows the caster to warp the surrounding terrain. The terrain can become anything that the caster desires, from a snowy mountaintop to a scorching volcano. However, the terrain is not really changed. The spell uses light to create a massive hallucination. The spell also allows the caster to place any creature he imagines in the hallucinary terrain. From a rampaging dragon to a phalanx of Dark Knights can fill the illusion. However, the illusion is easier to detect if the caster uses images that he is not personally familiar with.
Any caught in the area of effect must succeed in a challenging Perception (Reason) action or believe in the illusion. If the terrain created or the creatures within the illusion are not images that the caster is familiar with, then the action becomes one degree easier. If both the terrain and the creatures within the terrain are not familiar to the caster, then the action becomes two actions easier.
If the terrain is hostile, like a lava pit, and the characters caught in the illusion suffer the consequences. Creatures believed to be real in the illusion can also battle those caught in the illusion. If a character "dies" in the illusioin, he simply falls unconscious for half an hour.

If you have any comments on my page, or want to submit stories, ideas, etc., then e-mail me at