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Entrance Archway
    The Entrance Archway was built in 1901.  It was an all wood structure; the bricks shown in the picture were actually painted on the archway.  The archway did not even have a concrete footer. This was discovered when FOBS and the Archaeology Society of Delaware (ASD) did an archaeological dig at the site in 1994.  The object of the investigation was to find the exact location of the archway and determine the construction materials.  We found the footer was two wooden beams sunk about 18 inches below ground in each base.  The archway was covered with electric light bulbs.  This was a unique sight for people of the time since many did not have electricity in their homes.  Over one hundred ceramic light bulb fixtures were found buried at the site along with several fuse blocks.  The Friends of Brandywine Springs marked the site with four white posts showing where the front wall bases were located and a sign with a photo of the entrance archway.

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